my old Life...

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Ganglions POV

Hello there mortal, so you wish to learn of the tale of the great, divine and feared emperor of the Gods? Well then allow me to spin the threads of fate back a little bit to begin our tale. We begin my story at the very beginning, or the very end before the very beginning... But first let's go to the very beginning of the very beginning.

I was born from a convergence of elements. the divine magic of the heavens, the impure magic of the Netherworld, the chaotic magic of the Void, the orderly of the magic of the Aether and the draconic magic of the most foul and hot of all volcanoes. Once all of that magic combined a created a single egg.

A black egg leaking with golden and orange liquids. The power of that single egg was considered such a threat to the Gods that they sent forth their most powerful assassins and warriors to destroy it claiming that it was "A relic of great evil!" And so, heroes came from every single corner of the realms in order to destroy the egg and eventually, with rumors of a replica from men's power spreading, villains and mercenaries came out of the woodwork and started searching for the egg.

Eventually a very powerful wizard known as Uryk captured the egg and kept it inside of his Tower in order to study it. The wizard however eventually became corrupted by the immense power created by my egg. And when the egg hatched he became infatuated with my very existence. His son however, was raised alongside me. But Where I was trained to become a weapon, he was ignored by his own father.

Eventually the boy became a Great hero and mage and he was able to defeat many powerful foes across the land, as for me... I killed the wizard when I had enough of his torment. I then escaped his Tower and started to live on my own as a predator. Eventually I stumbled upon the Netherworld, and within a week I defeated the Old King of the Netherworld Lord Malacau the dreaded.

I quickly overtook any rogue areas within the Netherworld and militarized its forces into becoming a feared realm that was no longer seeing as just random tribes of demons that fought against each other. Instead we were a great nation held bent on conquering and ruling as one United Force.

Overtime my Powers grew to immense levels and I quickly overpowered almost all opponents.

Within 10 years all of the realms except the human realm were under my command. And eventually, I met with the strongest warrior in all of humanity... The very boy I once saw as my brother and friend. Xedas...

Our reunion was not as I had expected, as he had tried to kill me but of course he had failed. But seeing as I still cared for him like a brother, I let him go free.

Another 10 years later, he had refused every single offer I had given him in exchange for the human realm and now he had arrived into my Palace once more. He was powerful and wise with his abilities, but he still was no match for me.

Once more I spared him and let him go. A week afterwards, news had reached me that he left the human realm. With a heavy heart I took over the human realm and made it my own. But a year later he appeared at my temple, but not as the human I once knew...

It turns out he had done something that could never be reversed.......

Ganglion: so we meet again, brother..... Do you like what I've done with the place? I even made you your own Temple and I gave you a throne right beside me, all you have to do is take it. We can be just how we once were, we can be brothers once again!

You can imagine the surprise on my face when he took off his hood and revealed that his body was no longer than a human... Turns out he sacrificed his humanity for the power of the voids magic.

He was no longer the rather I once knew, but instead he was a mindless killing machine with only one goal in mind, my death

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He was no longer the rather I once knew, but instead he was a mindless killing machine with only one goal in mind, my death...

With tears of golden lava dripping from my eyes I gashed towards my brother and we began our final fight. He kept using the magic of the Void at its maximum, but he was still not strong enough to defeat me... If anything he had gotten weaker... Not because of his strength, but because he had sacrificed his mind for this power. He no longer could think how to attack correctly and he could barely figure out how to form a basic attack.

However despite that, it was still pretty powerful, we clashed, our fists locked and blood was spilled. The battle went on for a raging 16 days and 17 nights.

There was only one way to get his humanity back. His goal had to be impossible to complete, and his goal at the time was to kill me... Seeing as I still loved this entity that was once my human brother, I used my strongest spell on myself and I started to die. Seeing that I was dying, but not by his own hands. his void magic started to dim and his form started to crack like a shell as his human body fell to the ground unconscious, but very much alive.

As for me? I died... Or so I thought. As it turned out that I was saved by one of my old generals who used his life force to restore mine. But because he had been hated and abused by all entities, even his own parents... I gained his endless hatred towards life and mortals. My love for my so-called brother burned away by the flames of my eternal hatred.

However, a small part of me wondered how he was doing. And so I checked up on him, and I discovered he had changed in ways of evil.

Turns out, I had been resting and healing from my own attack for 10,000 years. And whilst I was healing, Xedas had lied to humanity and told them that he had killed me and reduced me to nothing but Ash. He was rewarded because of his so-called victory, he was made a great king. And yet he had told lies to his people not just about defeating me, but by calling all other races that were not humans pure evil heartless monsters at one and nothing more than to make sure humans were dead. He had spun a Web of lies around his kingdom build the foundation for what was now a racist, pompous empire of people who thought they were of the highest class and that everything else was below them, even the Gods. (Think of the celestial dragons from One Piece, but 10,000 times and imagine a whole realm of them.)

Filled with anger, I laid waste to the capitals of humanity and burned their empire to Cinders...

And one day whilst I was sitting within my broken, dust covered throne. I fell in love with a mortal girl, a human named Morl. At first she was kind and beautiful, she reignited the flames of my once kind heart... But it was too good to be true. Truth was she was a princess, the descendant of the one I once called my brother. And she had believed her ancestors lies of me and every other creature being pure heartless evil. She tricked me with love and as I slept, she killed me with the only thing that could. Myself. She had carved off one of my own teeth and fashioned it into a dagger and used it to stab my heart...

And yet my story still wasn't over... When I reached the afterlife and met with the Gods, I found myself bound in chains and hated. I broke free at the chains and slaughtered the gods themselves, as they believed that they could control me and determine my fate...

But without gods, existence couldn't hold itself together and eventually everything was erased.....

Now I found myself in a human form. And lost within a maze of tall buildings...

End Of Chapter...

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