Hallucinations Of A Dead Man

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11:28 p.m., September 9th.

"Good night, guys! And someone wake me up when Harley comes home!"

Miyen Forest tiredly started his journey to his shared bedroom with his boyfriend, Coren Penney, before a voice called him back.

"He's probably gonna be back towards the middle of the night. Just get some good sleep, Miyen. Coren, are you gonna go with him?"

Simon asked. Simon Fallow was an interesting guy. He was a very arrogant brunette who came off as a little stand-offish. The only people he wouldn't snap at were his good friends. And he still lost his temper on occasion with them.

Coren stood up from his spot in the circle of friends and walked over to Miyen, who blushed when Coren's arms wrapped around his torso.

"Yeah, I'm gonna go with him. Have fun playing a game for kids. "


Miyen exclaimed out of shock, confused with his sudden statement.

"I was playing truth or dare too!"

Coren kissed the pouting Miyen on the cheek and rubbed his arms as an apology.

"Alright, I'm sorry, let's go to bed, hmm?

Miyen nodded, and they both left to their bedroom.

Simon was annoyed with the couple's PDA, and it was quite obvious.

"Disgusting. Do that when people aren't around, not when they can clearly see you"

Another friend from the now smaller circle, Kenneth Angales, didn't agree with Simon. The two never got along in general too much because Simon thought Kenneth was too quiet when people were around, so Kenneth played along.

"Just don't look then, it's not too hard. Plus, it's cute! They love each other. Besides-"

"Be quiet! No one cares about your meaningless points of view!"

Simon cut Kenneth off for the umpteenth time that day, fed up with his words.

The other three people left in the circle; Alex Crostean, Court Starden, and Ten Freeley tried to diffuse the situation. Alex made an attempt to get their glares off each other by announcing his plans for the remainder of the evening.

"Alright guys, why don't we all just calm down for now. I'm gonna get some food, then head to bed. We all should, it's late. "

Alex chuckled and set off to the kitchen to get some food, leaving Simon and Kenneth not staring at each other, but with the tension still between them, creating an awkward silence between the four remaining friends in the circle.

Ten decided now would be a good time to question Simon, testing the waters knowing full well it would only get Simon angrier

"Why do you always pick fights? What do you get out of that?"

"Why do you always ask questions? God, you really don't know how to read the room, do you? Take your nose, and go put it in someone else's business. And I start fights because Kenneth's face looks like that after"

Simon but back, pointing a finger at Kenneth's face, which resembled that of a kicked puppy's.

"I'm going to bed. Enjoy having fun with yourself. "

Ten exclaimed with a huff and walked away to his shared bedroom with Harley. Simon scoffed and muttered

"Way to make an exit, stupid golden child,

So lowly no one could hear him.

Alex poked his head out of the kitchen, a half eaten bagel in his hand.

"Alright, I'm goin' to bed. Kenneth, you comin'?"

Kenneth slowly stood up and walked with Alex to their shared room. Space was tight in the house, so every two people shared a room.

Simon drug his gaze over to the last remaining person in the circle, now a dot.

"You have something to say too?"

Court Starden didn't respond, giving Simon a sympathetic face and a sad smile while shaking his head. He got up and retreated to their shared bedroom.

After turning off all the lights and locking the front foot, Simon huffed and trudged after Court.

8:57 a.m., September 10th.

Harley Morrow, only half sober, unlocked the front door and shut it behind him, locking it again. He walked into the kitchen, ate a cup of yogurt, washed the cup, and threw it in the recycling bin in the pantry.

Making his way down the hall to his shared bedroom with Ten, he looked at his phone.

'1 missed call: Ten Freeley, Time: 2:39 a.m.'

He decided to just wait for Ten to wake up and ask him what he called about would be the best option.

But when Harley opened his room door, he dropped his phone to the ground, screaming as loud as he could.

Because Rackten Freeley's dead body was on the floor before him.

-This is the first chapter, and it's finally done! Thank you to the wonderful person who motivated me to write this again, (you know who you are 😊) and I hope you enjoyed reading.

Right now I have so many drafts for different parts that will be in the next chapters, but I have to make this clear: THEY DO CONTAIN SPOILERS, so if you don't want spoilers, it's best to just stick to the main storyline for now.

I also would like to say that I LOVE any type of criticism, so anyone willing to correct my Grammer, or mistakes, or something that doesn't make sense, or something you don't like is taken happily by me, and I will se what I can do about that. Thank you so much!

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