Last Day, day 5: Part one

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"Guess you're going to be getting some friends." Mr. Ebina said through the glass. "That time already..." A girl said. She had light brown hair with a blonde streak, her bangs hiding one eye. She had on a simple light blue dress. Her purple eyes were dim, they had lost their shine. "Funny how time flies when you're busy." He said. "You monster..." The girl said. A dark purple shadow appeared behind her, looking almost identical to her. "You monster!!" the shadow shrieked. "Stop it..." The girl mumbled. "Stop it!!!!" The shadow screamed, banging on the glass. "Stop it...stop it...please..." The girl said, curling into a ball, covering her face. "What a shame...what a shame..." Mr. Ebina shook his head in fake sadness as he walked away.

    That morning Yasu woke, Reia wasn't in her bed. "Reia?" Yasu called. She got up and went outside the room. "Oh, Kyoufu is awake too." Yasu stated. "Yeah, there's a problem." Reia said. Yasu gave her a look. "The door is locked. We can't leave." Yasu's eyes widened. "He can't do that! Is he going to keep us here?!" She exclaimed. "No clue, but he locked the door this morning... we can't call anyone...seems we are trapped in here until he lets us out." Kyoufu said.

    "Oh no...oh no....oh no...oh no...we are going to be seen as kidnapped! Our parents are going to worry about us! Mr. Ebina is going to get in huge trouble!" Yasu rambled. "Yeah...what's the point in doing this...-oh no...." Kyoufu's eyes widened in horror as he realized something. "Guys...Remember Akui Sunako? Remember the robot clone I told you about?...t-...that's how...Mr. Ebina gets away with this..." Yasu's face turned to fear. " the people...aren't....aren't the real...person?" Yasu shook her head in disbelief. " I don't believe it. Sunako still posts on social media, and she acts normal, not like a clone or anything." "Science is going farther than we think..." Kyoufu mumbled. "Hey, Reia...oh-" Kyoufu turned to face Reia, her expression was unlike anything he'd ever seen. Reia's expression of distrust and confusion was so out of character from what he knew of Reia. It was almost as if Reia's whole being was clouded with doubt and unrest. "Um...Reia, you okay?" He asked. Reia slowly looked up at him. "He us." She said, her voice full of hate. "Whoa...okay! Lets calm down, okay?" Yasu said, walking over to Reia. "It may not be as bad as we think. Hopefully it isn't-" " makes sense. Everything Kyoufu said makes sense. Everything we saw about Kurachi all adds up...He lied. I didn't think it would be...this bad." She murmured. "Well, it's like you said earlier, we all stick together, we can get through this!" Yasu said, trying her best to comfort Reia. "Yeah. Yeah you're right. We'll get through this...together...!" Reia said, regaining some of her usual happiness.

"Alright, what did I miss?" Hijiri walked out of the room, yawning. "A bunch of stuff. We're locked in here, we found out that the robots we saw were clones...and ah-" Kyoufu's eyes widened in pain and he covered his eyes. "...Ow...ow..." was all he managed to say. "Yo, you okay?" Hijiri walked over. "I...can't...I can't see..." Kyoufu stumbled the words out in pain. "What? That doesn't make any sense." Yasu stated. " doesn't." Reia said.

    Kyoufu blinked repeatedly, his vision was blurry, perhaps because his eyes felt immense pressure, even if nothing was touching his eyes. After rubbing his eyes for over a minute, the pressure began to die down. His vision returned to normal, but it almost seemed that his eyes had a darkened tint to them. He was seeing everything in a darker shade. The once bright room, now had darkened, only by a little however it was still noticeable. "Does seem darker to anyone?" Kyoufu hesitantly asked. "No, it's as normal as it was before, why?" Hijiri asked. "Well..." Kyoufu trailed off as he turned towards Hijiri.

    Kyoufu looked at Hijiri, who was basically glowing, a voice in his head repeating 'numbing. The numbing...' The numbing? He thought, but he immediately regretted thinking those words, because the next second, Hijiri's eyes glazed over with pain and he stumbled forward, mumbling something to himself.

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