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I've been going through the motions, its been rough in these oceans, these waves been knocking me everywhere,

this is when i learned love ain't fair. lately I've been scared of falling, fearing you won't be there to catch me,

this is why its so hard for me to trust, I'll be drowning to the depths, this is why I'm afraid of love.

I'm just hoping there's somebody to save me, help me defrost my frozen heart, feed my hunger for love before I starve.

If I had to be honest I'm afraid to make you mine, my heart has been broken to many times, I don't want to hear anymore lies.

All people do is hear me but they never listen, this is why I don't say what I want, fearing it'll never come to pass.

I just want you to love me, respect me, please no don't play me, because I could be all that you want and more but also like you I've been broken down before

Can you give me reason to trust? from there you can have all my love. I'm tired of fighting for something that'll be lost,

tired of fighting for someone who wont accept my flaws. Why should I keep on fighting for an us? If all we do is drift apart.

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