Never have I ever (pt.1)

69 2 0

Still Day 2

Some people just online

Geopelia Phigros:

Everyone in here is too serious...

How about a little games?

Paimon GI:

Oh, sounds good!

But, what should we play?

Geopelia Phigros:

How about 'never have I ever'?

It's the easiest thing I could think for different universes to play

Who wants to play too?


Lol why not?

Muffin BiHe:

Muffin want to play too!


Seems fun

Can I join?


I just got idea to make this easier

Use random tags lmao

Geopelia Phigros:

Okay then...

Hey, El Clear DJMAX

Never have I ever...

Done dealing with someone behavior that you start choosing violence?

El Clear DJMAX:

I have

My turn now

Hey, GingerBrave CROB

Never have I ever...

Getting embarrassed by your own action?

GingerBrave CROB:

I have, that one time fashion week...😥

Well, my turn now

Sampo HSR

Never have I ever...

Get your name miss spoken?

Sampo HSR:

That one seems targeted, I have 😔

Well, Doctor Arknight

Never have I ever...

Confess your love, but get rejected?

Doctor Arknight:

I never

Pepper BiHe

Never have I ever...

Get called a child, even though you are the same/older ages then them?

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