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chapter ten

"THAT'S THE LAST TIME I SEE YOU MAKING CONVERSATION WITH A STRANGER," Damon scolded the brunette, who was conveniently sitting next to him, safely, one might add.

Damon, Enzo, and Selene were currently sitting around the Mystic Grill bar after the scare that Selene placed on the both vampires and her sister.

The raven-haired vampire had zero tolerance for anyone that would hurt his little witch... so of course he became paranoid when Caroline found them and declared Selene as missing.

However, he could not fathom the way that his little witch made friends so easily.

He did understand, though, why others would want to have her around and get close to her. It was the aura that she carried. It made you feel safe, and comfortable. It's what drew him in anyway. Her Aura. Like a moth to a fucking flame.

"I think you're exaggerating a bit too much Damon," The brunette rolled her emerald eyes at the vampire. She knew how to take care of herself. She didn't need anyone else to do so. It's times like these where she silently debates on snapping someone's neck — more like a certain raven haired vampire's neck.
These vampires sure do know how to test her patience.

Wait — pause.

Selene stilled, finally registering what the vampire just said. "Did you just give me an order, Damon Salvatore?"

Damon's eyes widened at the use of his name as he sipped on his drink. The brunette has never used his name like that, and he cursed himself silently for trying to order her around.

In order to save himself an argument with the woman he's obsessed with, he stayed quiet. Which was a big mistake on his part.

"So now you decide to stay quiet?!" Selene furrowed her brows in annoyance. One of her biggest pet peeves was being ordered around. She was ordered around all her life by her father in her past life. She wasn't going to let someone, let alone another man order her around. In this world, she was going to be a free spirit. Not a sadly caged animal that has to depend on its owner.

Damon could see that his words struck a nerve so before the argument escalated, he decided to apologize. He sighed and placed his glass of bourbon down before turning to her, "I'm sorry. It wasn't my intention to make you feel like that. But you have to understand how we felt when you went missing." Damon looked behind Selene to find Enzo listening intently to his apology, "Enzo and I were concerned that you were in trouble. Caroline was concerned. Do you see the pattern here?"

Selene's face softened at his response. She suddenly understood their point of view. If her sister were to meet up with a stranger without letting someone know, she would for sure be freaking out and turning the town upside down just to find her and make sure she's safe, "I'm sorry for worrying you," she turned to Enzo who was now looking at her sadly, "...but both of you need to understand that I'm going to be okay. I can protect myself. I'm pretty much immortal so nothing is going to happen to me."

Enzo and Damon looked at each other and slowly nodded at her request, "Fine, angel. We'll back off, but just because you can protect yourself doesn't mean we'll stop worrying about you."

"And I appreciate you both for that," Selene smiled at both vampires before cheering, "Now that that's over with — Let's Party!"

Enzo chuckled at her enthusiasm and looked around the bar spotting a certain vampire that has been staring at Selene for the last few minutes, "It seems like we weren't the only ones worried for you."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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