#3: Sun get's sick?

672 18 2

Writer: Ok I'm gonna use the texting format not the long one, if you get what I mean ._.


5:35 AM

Sun got up from bed, His head hurting like crazy, His metal body over heating. He tried getting up and walk out of the room, but he tripped, thankfully he caught on the wall.

Sundrop POV: What- what's happening to me.

Sun thought to himself, he kept getting warnings in his system that "System was overheating" and "Virus detected" Sun made his way to the couch, and than just fell on it. Groaning a bit as he rested his head on the couch. His system beeping and giving out the same warnings


*Annoying alarm sounds*

Moon smacked the Alarm button and got up, he placed on his hat and went out to see his brother, lying on the couch. By now Sun's rays were shrunken to his neck.

Moondrop: Brother?

Sun didn't move a bit

Sundrop: Hm...?

Moondrop: Are you okay?

Moon leaned in front of his brother, looking concerned, he placed his hand on Sun's forehead.

Moondrop: God Sun! Your overheating!! What's wrong

Sun got up, groaned a bit. And let out his arm for Moon to check his beeping systems. Moon took his brothers arm gently, and looked through his systems

Moondrop: Sun? you have a virus, and you're systems overheating

Without hesitance Moon searched up for Sun's battery on his systems and yelled

Moondrop: "9 percent!?"

Just after saying that, Moon noticed how pale Sun looked, he looked lifeless, Making Moon's shocked expression turn into a worried one, he quickly picked his brother in his arms, and took his to the nearest charging station, he plugged him in and asked his computer..

Moondrop: "Computer what virus does Sun have"

Computer: I can't seem to locate..

Just than Sun's systems started beeping intensely again

"Charging Error, Charging Error, Animatronic can not be charged, stuck at current battery point, Charging Error, Char.."

Moon shut off the alarm in confusion, even he didn't have an idea on what was going on. B4 the charging system malfunctioned, he took his brother off of it, and took his back to the balcony, now feeling extremely puzzled, Sun spoke in the most lifeless voice.

Sundrop: M-moon..?

Moon immediately snapped out of his thoughts and took his focus to his brother

Moondrop: Yes Sunny?

Sundrop: I-I can't see anything, my visions all blurred out.

Moondrop: What?

Sun tried repeating, but he suddenly he began intensely coughing and oil dripped out of his mouth.

Moondrop: Sun!?

Sun malfunctioned and powered off.

Moondrop felt a shiver run down him, He quickly took him to the repair station (yes the parts and service room doesn't exist), He decided to try and searching for the problem on his own. He could barely touch Sun because of how heated Sun was, Moon turned Sun around, and took out the system chip. While taking it out, He saw another chip.. One that wasn't familiar to him. He took out the chip and added it to the computer,

Computer: Moon, The chip you just added to the computer is the virus chip.!

Moondrop: Who put the ____ing chip in Sun!?

Moon growled, Computer lost for words.

Computer: I'm not sure.

Just a few moments later, Sun turned back on. His lifeless eyes turning back to the light blue they were.

Sundrop: Moony?

Moon rushed to Sun and hugged his tight.

Moondrop: "God, you make me so worried Sun!"

Sun recalled what happened and Moon explained to him about the chip, not letting go of the hug.

Sundrop: Moon I'm low on battery it says, where are we?

Moon remembered how low his brother's battery was, and took the sun animatronic out to the nearest charging place. Now making sure he was charging, which he was. Moon let out a reliefed sigh and went off


Only 658 words??

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