#28: Control

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Chapter 27 remake ig? Since that chapter really was just...scrapped lol

AEUGH let's get into it

Also, pretend Sun's just teasy for the whole story, he doesn't really mean what he's doing.

Sun and Moon had gotten into an argument and had stopped talking to eachother, since Moons body had malfunctioned due to-  Nevermind..So he had to share his consciousness with Sun

(like they used to in the cannon security breach)

Everyone knew that if the host animatronic tried to force control or take control without warning, it would hurt the other one.

Sun was still salty about their fight so he would often randomly try to take control over when Moon was controlling.

Since Sun was the main host of the body, he could take control whenever he wanted.

Moon was casually talking to Solar when Sun randomly tried gaining control. Making Moon shriek.

"Moon are you alright?!" Solar asked, concerned.

"SUN ONES I GET MY BODY BACK IM GONNA DES-" Moon whined again as Sun kept forcing Moon to stop control.

"I hate you..." Moon groaned.

"Sun your going a bit too far...leave him alone.."
Solar said, pulling moon close to comfort him.

Sun smirked in his mind and then swap control again.

(If your wondering who sun doesn't take fully control, part of it is because moon won't let him and the other part, he just switches instantly. Electrocuting Moon.)

Moon grunted.

"Moon let him take control for a second?" Solar said, getting annoyed since he didn't like seeing Moon like this.

"...why?" Moon asked

"Just do it." Solar said.

This time when Sun attempted to shock him, Moon just let Sun take control .

"Wait what-"

(Also Moon can't hear or see Sun's doing since he isn't host)

"If you do that again I'm gonna make. you. ¥"
Solar threatened Sun, pushing him away.

"Whatever." Sun giggled and let Moon take control again.

"What happend?" Moon asked.

"Nothing, don't worry about it" Solar smiled.

A week later, Moon finally got his body back, after solar had fixed it.

The second his consciousness woke in body. He spun around ones making sure it was the classical Moon.

"Good. Now..$7+)/Y!!!" Moon said, rushing back to the daycare.

"Moon-...*sigh*" Solar said, he followed after Moon making sure thing wouldn't get out of hand.

As soon as Moon reached Sun he was gonna tackle him but stopped. Remembering Sundrop was still his brother and he couldn't hurt him...

Sun had his eyes closed tight as he tried backing away from Moon, until he leaned against the wall.

"I'm sorry...!" Sun would say.

Moon had his hand out forward but didn't hurt Sun.

"I- sure...whatever.." Moon grunted and walked away.

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