Chapter 7 - Music of the night

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I didn't tell Castro what I was planning. Now, looking back, I don't regret my decision as I couldn't find him anywhere that day. As night falls over the school and everything settles down, I go upstairs to the third floor, clearly remembering the room number. Walking down the corridors, something distracted me...

It was music. Someone was playing the guitar. The music is beautiful and I feel as if I am caught up in a trance. Something compels me to go to investigate. Wandering around, I find out the source of the song: a girl who was sitting on the window sill, playing a red electric guitar. She is wearing black jeans and a gray Ramones t-shirt. Her long black hair is cascading down her shoulders and her eyes are green.

Seeing her, I feel uneasy, as if I have a certain feeling that the situation is familiar for some reason. As her fingers touch the strings of the instrument, I can't help but notice her dreamy and focused expression, the gaze of someone who is immersed in their art. I come a bit closer to her, afraid that I might disturb her.


She is the first to speak, raising her gaze. Just how long have I been staring at her?

"Hello," I say. "You play wonderfully."

"Wonderfully?" She sighs. "Some say I clank pointlessly."

She stretches her hand forward.

"I assume you're the new guy," she says. "And I also assume that you are heading to
Max. I am Jacklyn. Jacklyn Jekyll."

"Pleased to meet you. I am Logan de Chagny... Hang on, Max?"

Jacklyn snorts and gets down from the window sill.

"Listen," she begins and her voice seems somehow annoyed, "the only reason why you are here is for room H135, right? It's Max Hatter's room, the son of The Mad Hatter, known throughout all Novel High for the parties he throws. The daughter of Dorian Gray invited you, didn't she? You are probably wondering how I guessed: I was invited too."

"And then, why aren't you at the party?"

"Easy! Nobody wants a Jeckyll among them. It kills their vibe."

"Well," I reply, "I don't really know the area. I am the new guy, as you said earlier and you are the only one who can show me the way."

Jacklyn laughs and lets out a sigh.

"Well played, de Chagny!" She says. "I'll get you to Max."

* * *

Jacklyn knocks on the door of the dorm three times. Out of the door creeps a boy with fiery red hair, answering. His eyes shine like two lanterns: one neon green and the other chocolate brown.

"Logan, right?" There is delightfulness in his voice. He seems an elf ready to cause trouble. "I am so, so, SO glad you received and accepted my invitation! I am Max Hatter, the one and only!"

"Hi Max! The pleasure is mine."

"I'll leave you guys here," Jacklyn says. "Have fun, make memories, tell me everything after... I'll leave now, bye!"


Liza pops her head out of the doorframe. This time she is wearing a black pair of jeans and a tank top with blue sparkles.

"Come and join us, too! Be our guest!" She says. "You can show Logan how's done!"

"You've been before?"

I turn to Jacklyn as she slaps her forehead and nods affirmatively. I didn't really understand why she did it.

"Alright," the girl sighs, "I'll stay. But only five minutes."

Post scriptum - 1. Act OneWhere stories live. Discover now