Chapter 3

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A/N: Sorry I haven't posted in a long time because I have been busy.

Grady entered the room with slumberberry tea, and Sophie drank it all. She quickly fell asleep.


Keefe and Fitz were still arguing when Keefe remembered he had to check on Sophie.

"I have to go check on Sophie." Keefe was about to light leap when Fitz grabbed his arm and followed him.

"What were you thinking!" Keefe screamed at Fitz.

"I wanted to apologize to Sophie too." 

"Well, do you think Sophie wants to see you right now?"

"You can go ask her."

"Fine." With that, Keefe went inside. Edaline and Grady weren't there. He just went to Sophie's room. The door was closed. He decided to knock, but no one answered. He went inside. When he opened the door, he saw the empty tea cup and Sophie's sleeping body on the bed. He tucked her in and closed the door as he left.

"She took a sedative," Keefe told Fitz.

"Wow, she's that sad. She hates sedatives." Fitz was mostly talking to himself. Keefe heard him.

"This is all your fault that she is so miserable!" Keefe shouted at Fitz. Then light leaped away. Fitz stood there and realized it was probably his fault, Keefe had said. He went to see for himself that Sophie had taken slumberberry tea. When he was in front of Sophie's door as he knocked.

"Who is it?" Fitz was surprised that Sophie was up.


As soon as Sophie woke up, she heard a knock.

"Who is it?" She asked.

"I-It's Fitz. You might not want to see me. I'm here to apologize for being a jerk to you and for not listening to your reason why you rejected me." Sophie was shocked. She wasn't mad at him. She was hoping that he didn't hate her.

"Come in." She called. Fitz came into her room. He immediately saw the cup from the slumberberry tea. She ran up and hugged him so tight.

"I'm so so sorry." She started to cry.

"It's ok. I was being a jerk about it. I'm happy for you too." Sophie had stopped crying by then. She wouldn't stop apologizing. Later Keefe came over and comforted her for a while. Sophie had dinner and went to sleep on her own. Only to wake up with nightmares.

A/N: Sorry that this chapter was short. FYI in the next chapter, it will be a time hop, be prepared.

Q: What is your favorite KOTLC book?

A: Book nine. Make sure to comment your favorite KOTLC book!

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