One shot

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Hey everyone!
Sorry it's been so long. I've been super busy with life. I hope you're all doing well?

Here's a one shot I've been working on for the past few days. I hope you enjoy it!

As always happy reading!
Nat xx

'It is an abomination and I will not have my daughter parade herself around my town as if she's proud of her deviance,' Clifford Blossoms voice echoed throughout the walls of Thornhill as his daughter cowered as far away from him as she could. 'You have allowed yourself to be manipulated and led astray. My only daughter, the apple of my eye...' he lunged forward grabbing her chin roughly, 'has the devil in her. No child of god would dare to do what you have, but not to fear, you are still my blood and I believe you can be saved-'

'Daddy please, I haven't done anything. Whatever you've been told is nothing but rumours. I would never-'

'You can't lie your way out of this one,' her mother cut in. 'Did you really think you wouldn't get caught? Did you think that the daughter of the mayor could get away with... I can't even say the words out loud-'

'It was just a show, it didn't mean-'

'I always knew you had a sickness Cheryl, something evil latched onto you, but your father believes you can be saved. I, on the other hand, believe they should lock you up and throw away the keys.'

Cheryl could barely see through the tears in her eyes, her chest ached and she cursed herself for thinking that she could kiss Toni in public without it getting back to her parents.

But she couldn't regret it.

She wouldn't.

'Cheryl will be saved. I can't say the same for her deviant friend. She will have to answer to the lord herself, maybe sooner than she thinks.'

A feeling bubbled up in her chest, a feeling so powerful she struggled to hold it in. She'd take her fathers threats, she'd take his punishment, but she would never allow him to harm Toni.


'You know what they say love,' Penelope turned to Clifford. 'There's only one way to get rid of pests. You must eradicate them. What was the rats name? Topaz, was it?'

'It was me!' Cheryl screamed. 'I was the one that made her agree to the show! It's not her fault!' She cried, the tightness of her chest made it hard for her to breath. 'It's not her fault.'

'She's a distraction for you Cheryl, how will you progress if she'll be here when you get back from your trip?' Clifford said in a voice so soft it made the younger redhead feel sick. 'Believe me, one day you will thank me for this.'

Cheryl's fear turned to anger, 'I swear if you touch her, I'll-'

'You'll what?' Penelope laughed. 'Where you're going you'll be doing nothing but making amends with The Lord until your demons are completely exorcised and if you're stupid enough to be stubborn about it... well, you'll remain with the sisters for as long as it takes.'

The sisters? Is that the place Ethel was sent to? Cheryl had heard horror stories about The Sisters of Quiet Mercy all her life. About kids that were taken there and never seen again. Her heart almost stopped.

'All we want for you Cheryl is a pure life. To marry a man and bear children continuing the Blossom bloodline. It is your duty as a daughter. We will not allow you to ruin your life as well as ours because of your inclination.'

Cheryl tried to say something, to force words out of her mouth, but they were swallowed. Too scared to say the wrong thing as well as knowing it wouldn't make an ounce of difference. She wanted to run, beeline for the door, sprint into Toni's arms, but she knew she couldn't outrun her father. He'd easily overpower her, but the stairs, they were closer, she could bide herself some time, maybe even warn Toni using the telephone on her nightstand.

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