8. If I Had Wings

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Ominis seemed to almost stare down at his wife, eyes wide and blinking. Arabella hardly ever spoke in the presence of others. Nor had she ever been so stern with him.
"Sorry, darling." He sits back in his seat.
     "Submissive bitch." Marvolo snears under his breath. Arabella stands up and draws her wand. She points it at Marvolo.
     "My husband may not like it but I have no problem using unforgivables on people like you. People who deserve it." She growls. Marvolo looks at her with wide eyes. Though Marvolo and Ominis looked very similar Ominis had him beat in height and build. Marvolo was shorter and a bit scrawny. Everyone was staring at her with a shocked expression. No one knew what to say or how to react. Ominis reaches up and takes one of her hands in his.
     "Shhh. It's alright love." He says softly pulling her into her seat. She looks at him. He brings a hand up to her cheek. She closes her eyes. He strokes her skin softly with his thumbs. She lets out a soft sigh. Ominis was worried about her. She hardly was ever this angry. Dinner is finished in silence. Arabella is the first one from the room. She takes a sharp turn before their bedroom and hits the floor in front of the toilet. She immediately begins emptying the contents of her dinner into the bowl. Ominis is quick to her side, holding her hair away from her face. She groans as she finishes. He places a kiss to her temple. "I am so sorry for getting worked up. I was just so worried about you and the way he was..." Ominis couldn't even finish his sentence.
     "I understand love." She cups his face.
     "I just wish I could've been there. If I could see that would have never happened. I would've known you had left the party. I..." Tears well in his eyes.
     "Ominis please. Don't feel sorry. You keep me so safe. I am ok." She coos.
"Arabella I have something I need to tell you." He whispers.
"What is it my darling?" She questions as she runs her thumbs over the sparce freckles of his face.
"I am so sorry for how I acted before. When we first got married. I never gave you the benefit of the doubt. I should've just paid more attention to how you are and how you act. You were never anything like them. Maybe I have known it this whole time but I realized something today. Arabella I love you. You crept up on me until I was drowning in it. Until I could no longer have any room in my heart for anything else but you. I thought I was going to overflow already. Then you told me about our child. This baby is already so loved by me. I will do anything for the both of you. I have always been the one to sacrifice everything for the greater good but Avril... I would burn the world for you." He cups her face, trying his best to keep his voice steady. A soft whimper comes from her as she bursts out crying. "Bella?" He asks worriedly.
"Oh Omi... I love you too." She cries. He chuckles happily as tears spill down his cheeks. She sniffles as she tries to calm down. "Damn hormones." She giggles. He smiles and wipes away her tears.
"Are you feeling better?" He asks once they had both calmed themselves.
"I am much improved. The little one was not thrilled with the commotion." She places a hand on her stomach, gently rubbing it. Ominis places his hand next to hers.
"I hope we have all girls." Ominis chuckles.
"Why is that?" She cocks her head to the side.
"So they are like their mother and will eventually not carry on my name." He rubs her stomach.
"Ominis even if we did have a son, we would teach him right. Change the Gaunt name for the better. Pave the way for a new generation." She kisses his forehead. He smiles brightly at her. She always new what to say. No matter what. She made everything seem so easy. It was effortless.


A few days later the couple was finally left alone again. They loved the company of their friends but it was exhausting. Particularly on Arabella. She was consistently fatigued. Ominis even got stern with Anne at one point. She was dragging them all over London. Arabella was having a hard time keeping up. Ominis scolded the girl. He felt bad but he was worried for his wife and childs safety above all. Anne was a bit taken aback but eventually understood. Arabella was now sitting in the parlor, her tea getting cold as she say there. She stared out on the grounds. She had been awfully quiet since the party. Ominis knew she just needed time. It was traumatic for her. He tried to leave her be as she was working through stuff with herself. Only this upset her more than anything. She didn't understand. She was worried she had scared him off somehow. She just wanted her husband to hold her tight. Ominis walks into the parlor.
"Lovely day, is it not?" He comments.
"Indeed." She musters hardly above a whisper. He walks to her.
"Are you alright?" He questions in a concerned tone. Had he upset her somehow?
"I am lonely Ominis." She whispers. His face drops. He gets on his knees in front of her.
"Oh darling. I was just trying to give you space. I was so worried about your well being." He takes her hands in his. She was very cold to the touch. He bring her hands to his mouth, warming her icy skin with his lips. She closes her eyes, allowing herself to take him in. "I am so sorry my love. I am right here. Forever and always. Your obedient servant." He whispers, holding onto her tightly as if she would disappear.

A/N: sorry for the late update guys! I hope you enjoyed this cute little filler chapter!

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