Chapter two

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I came home, locked myself in my room, threw away my skateboard and collapsed on my bed. I immediately started crying. Why did I even tell him? Why did I reveal to him my secret that I don't want to be here anymore? Now it is clear to me that everyone will ask why I wanted to kill myself, because we were not completely alone there.

But I didn't want to kill myself, I just wish that deep down in my soul. My dad died when I was little. I was about 4 years old. And guess what? He was hit by a car. Mom was mentally at the bottom after that. In one day we didn't exchange a single word. And yes, I was 4. I learned to do everything myself. Snack, shower, get dressed, study, sports, etc. I don't know how exactly I managed it, but it makes me proud of myself. I would never say that I had a great childhood, but after all, there was one person who I respected the most. Tom.

My mom and his have always been best friends, and when my dad died, Nikki often came here with Tom to help mom with things like cleaning and always comforted her. Tom always ran into my room, locked it behind him, ran to me and hugged me tightly. „I missed you Mia". I still remember those words.

We talked together, we played together, and I always cried when I remembered that thing, and he always hugged me tightly and kissed me to sleep. We were 5. And it continued like this until about the age of 13. Until then we spent every day together. I loved him. Like, not like a crush, but we understand each other. I liked him more than my mother (at that time our relationship did not change at all).

But one day my mom sat me down on the couch. She told me everything. What a terrible mother she is and that she ruined my childhood. „I'm so sorry Mia, you deserve the world. I forgave her. After all, she was only like this because of her father's death. We hugged each other tightly, and from then on our relationship was beautiful. But after a while she told me that we had to fly away. "Fly away? Where?" "To America, Mia. Grandma got cancer and she and grandpa are in the hospital, we have to fly to see them. It will be for a long time, we will have to leave it here for a while." For how long?" "About a year. We have to stay there until grandma recovers. Grandpa doesn't have much strength anymore." I had tears in my eyes. Like, yes, I understood and I actually wanted to go to grandma, but to leave it here and for a year? What about my school? What about our house? And most importantly, what about tom..?
I was devastated, but I knew we had to fly away.

My mom invited Nikki and Tom to our house the day before the flight. When they entered the house, Tom didn't expect me to be standing there with my mom and not to be in my room, but he ran up to me anyway and hugged me. I wanted to cry. "Are you okay Mia?" He looked at me carefully. I just smiled. Mom told them everything. Tom looked at me and had tears in his eyes, as did I. "We'll be sad, but you'll definitely be back soon," Nikki said. Only now did I notice that each of us was almost crying. "No, you must not leave," said Tom. I can't lose you." I took his hand. He squeezed it tightly. "I'll come back to you. I promise." I'll never forget that last hug before they left. "I love you, Mia." "Me too." That's the last thing we said to each other. I mean, more like a whisper.

We flew out the next day. We were in America for 2 years. Grandma was really bad. But the 2 years were worth it because she recovered and is still healthy today. I was almost 15 when we got back as my birthday is in July. We returned at the beginning of July. I've changed a bit in that time. My hair was longer, about above my ass, it got darker and was much prettier. I was taller and thinner. I was never fat, but now I had an "hourglass body". I worked out a lot in America because I could relax. But it wasn't a huge change, I was just happy with myself.

I was really looking forward to Tom. Two years and I still thought about him. We called each other sometimes, but not anymore towards the end, to "surprise" each other when we see each other again. We returned home, put down our suitcases and immediately went to the Hollands. Nikki opened the door. She cried like never before. She and mom hugged for a VERY LONG time. But it was beautiful. Everyone welcomed us, Sam, Harry, Paddy and Mr. Holland. But Tom was nowhere to be found. "He went outside now," Nikki said. "He went to play basketball." I knew right away where he went.

I ran in that direction. It's a playground near the school. I ran there and looked around. And at that moment I saw him. He was hanging out with Harrison. He was, he was so, so different. He was taller, his hair was browner and curlier. He was wearing a black t-shirt and shorts. They laughed. That laugh, that smile. I just stood there and smiled. Before I could shout his name, Harrison threw a ball that flew over Tom's head. They both laughed so hard. As he turned to take it, he noticed me. "Tom", I said quietly, but so that he could hear.
He didn't hesitate for a second and ran towards me. I too didn't hesitate for a second and did the same. He grabbed me and hugged me in such a way that I almost suffocated. I threw it around his neck. "Mio!" I felt his tears on my back. I cried too. "Tom". We hugged a lot
long, but it was the most beautiful moment in my life. Suddenly we both started laughing. We pulled away from each other, but we still held each other. We laughed but cried at the same time. "You are so beautiful". I just smiled and threw myself around his neck again.

We heard a sound next to us that sounded like someone taking a picture. It was Harrison and he was taking pictures of us with his streetwise smile on his face. "Shit" he said and started running. „COME HERE!" shouted Tom after him and ran after him. I laughed so hard. It was amazing to watch them like that. Finally, Harrison hid behind me. I laughed until my lungs hurt. "Leave him alone, otherwise my lungs will burst".

We all laughed together. Then we said our goodbyes and Tom and I went to the Hollands because I knew my mom and Nikki were going to be there for a LONG time. Tom hugged me again. "I can't believe you're here". "Me neither. Remember? I told you I'd be back and here I am." He looked into my eyes and I into his. Into those beautiful chocolate eyes of his. "If you hadn't come back, I would have gone looking for you. You are my life, Mia." We hugged again. And why do we hate each other now? Yeah, no one knows. Just the two of us.

I will never forget you|Tom HollandWhere stories live. Discover now