✧❁❁✧✿ Prologue✿✧❁❁✧

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'I hope you all burn in hell.' I kept chanting in my head as I looked around-a bunch of rich assholes who could never look past their noses. I was here being a bodyguard to my boss's son.

Andreas was an okay-ish guy, he only tried to touch my chest twice in the last hour, I consider this an absolute win. I sipped some more champagne, trying my hardest to fit in.

I sat on the bar, listening to the music, if I weren't working right now, I would've joined those girls in the middle of the dance floor.

Andreas sat on a table a few feet away from me, he didn't want to be seen with me. I kept my eyes on him, making sure he didn't end up doing something to one of the numerous girls surrounding him.

I have had to hide many of his mistakes. it went against everything i was taught, but i had to do it.

Andreas was a Formula 1 driver, this was his only personality trait. I thought about mentioning how the only reason Mclaren was tolerating his disastrous driving was because of Daddy's money. He was at the club, talking to 4 girls at once as i scoffed internally.

'pig' I muttered before taking a sip of my drink.

I kept an eye out for any possible threats to his life while silently complaining.

I didn't work my ass off at college and the training academy to get stuck babysitting a 25-year-old slob. My internal monologue consisting of calling Andreas a bitch in all 4 languages i knew was interrupted.

"If you keep glaring at him you might set him on fire." A rich deep voice spoke. i had been aware of this man's attention on me. he'd been observing me for almost 20 minutes.

He was a well dressed man, he had blonde curls i wished i could run my fingers through, whiskey eyes that sparkled under the club lights, he had a very friendly, welcoming vibe. i found him adorable.

I turned towards him, "Bold of you to assume that isn't my ultimate goal."

The man had to be my age, his whiskey eyes sparkled when i looked at him, he grinned. "Well I happen to have a lighter, I suppose we could buy a bottle of vodka if I were to be convinced. "

i couldn't stop the snort that came out me, the nameless guy just grinned, sipping his drink.

"I am Damon, Damon Russo, its wonderful to meet you." he held his hand out.

His voice had an accent that made butterflies go crazy in my stomach. Alex no.

"Alex." i didn't give my full name, i couldn't afford to be distracted, atleast while i worked. I shook his hand before glancing back at the simpleton, he was drunk.

"Boyfriend?" Damon asked, his voice faltering slightly as he saw what i was constantly staring at, his shoulders hunching ever so slightly.

i almost said fuck it and turned around, Damon was 100 times more interesting. But i had to work, Shrek could very well fuck up if i didn't monitor him. Internally i sighed before responding.


"I should take the hint and leave you alone huh?" his voice held amusement.

"You probably should, nice meeting you, Damon." He was taken aback slightly, before he nodded and gave me a smile.

Once Damon left, I felt my irritation towards Andreas grow. if only that Smurf wasn't here, i would've had the chance to go out on a date.

My phone buzzed, i unlocked it and saw a single message from my uncle's girlfriend.

he's gone lexi, they shot him.

I read that message 3 times before i finally could comprehend what she said.

My uncle Noah, the man who has raised me all alone, working 4 jobs as a teenager; has died.


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