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I remember my last moments alive clearly.

I remember the way my lungs filled with water, the way they burned and how awful it felt to be without air. Obviously, I wasn't strong enough to reach the surface and sunk like a doll.

But the worst part wasn't dying.

No. The worst part was the fact that I was leaving my family and siblings behind, my friends and everyone who I ever connected with. It was painful the thought of never seeing them again.

The faces of everyone I ever loved was the last thing I saw before everything went black.

But I wasn't in the dark for long.

I could move. Not fully but I could move my fingers and toes. I imagined that I was indeed dead but I couldn't be sure anymore. I was secure in some kind of warm place but all of the sudden, I was ripped from that safe place into the cold.

But then I felt warmth around me. Loving and caring.

I felt loved but I couldn't open my eyes to see who was holding me. My mind wasn't able to think with the ability it actually had. I was sixteen years old but I still wasn't able to figure out where I actually was.

Around me, sounds echoed and suddenly I was ripped from the warm arms onto a pair of cold ones. I squirmed uncomfortably in them. I didn't want to be in them. But, at a speed that I couldn't process, I was back in the warm arms. Someone shifted beside me, closely to me and I felt the he/she was scared. A sound that I couldn't identify echoed loudly - everything sounded like I was still underwater - but I never felt pain.

Instead, I was lied down on a warm cover and the someone that had been beside me the whole time was too. He - I finally realized it was a he - reached out to me and the two of us curled together.

I couldn't understand. Maybe I didn't want to understand but my eyes couldn't open. It was like they were stuck together and it made me mad. I wanted to see what was happening. I wanted to see who had be holding me and who was now holding onto me and he with so much force and love.

I wasn't able to understand.

I fell asleep. I didn't realize for how long or why but I know that I woke when the person let us go. I could hear someone talking - a woman - but I couldn't understand what she was saying. It was like my hearing was undeveloped.

And then I felt it.

The horrible energy. So filled with hate and anger that overwhelmed me and burned me as it touched my body. Its power ran through my veins, making my blood boil and making me angrier than I had been before.

But all of the sudden, it ended and everything around me was silent.

The only sound I could hear was the loud crying, even though I didn't hear it clearly but I knew it was the person beside me. He and I both curled up to each other and held on to dear life as the silence started to get to me.

I could swear the I could hear loud growls in the back of my mind.

But it wasn't until later that I found out that I had been reborn into the Narutoverse as a character that wasn't supposed to exist.


So, my first story in this place.

Its only the Prologue and I promise that future chapters are going to be longer and better. If it sounds too confusing, all will be explained in the next chapter.

But I have a feeling that you recognized the scene. No? Well, don't worry. I'll explain everything in Chapter Two.

Comment or just read! It'll make me happy either way!


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