Chapter 1: Never Turn Back

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A stinging sensation of pain lingers on. The result of decades of betrayal, loss, and failure show their signs. Their notable scars are etched within the mind, leaving a permanent mark that not even the most soothing of words can heal. Not comfort, not love, not even death; not even the loss of consciousness can permanently rid of the pain. It may be transferred elsewhere, yet persists forevermore. It cannot be eradicated, it cannot be permanently removed. But, it never has been about removing the pain anyway. It is all about finding ways to deal with the pain.

It is all about moving on, not without the pain, but despite the pain.

A multitude of time has passed since his reawakening. How much time exactly, he doesn't know either. All these events fly by in a rush. Enemies to friends, friends to enemies; each time he has gotten close to anyone, it all fell apart eventually. His presence carries a curse, preventing him from forming a bond with any lasting value. A warm embrace, a loving touch, a comforting voice; all temporary moments of joy that wither away within a moment. While possessing immortality, his soul feels weaker than ever before. All those years have taken a toll on him. Out of all the extravagant, monumental creatures he has faced, it is time that has ultimately proven to be his greatest adversary.

Prince of Chaos. The Black Blur. The Ultimate Lifeform. The Fake Hedgehog. Project Shadow. Shadow the Hedgehog. All names refer to one entity. An entity that has stood the test of time, and outlived all the rest. A lone soul, wandering about in a world so new yet so old all at once. Everything he has known, cherished, hated, and was indifferent about, is long gone. Everyone from the days of old, where individuality still existed, has withered away. All, aside from one soul. A soul correlating so deeply to something so pivotal and painful. A name that bears so much pain, but threatens to vanish too. But before it vanishes forever, a few words must be exchanged first.

The soul has no name. It is a man without a name. All it has are the memories connected to him. His face may have been covered during their one encounter, but Shadow remembers it clearly. Countless days have gone by since that fateful day, but every second of it remains in the hedgehog's mind. And when news spread that the man will soon pass away, Shadow couldn't ignore it. He needed to meet him once more, after all this time. The man who has taken his Maria away from him, the only other person who could have truly made him feel complete. All these sleepless nights, restless days, and endless years now culminate into this one moment, in which Shadow dares to finally meet the man who shot the one who still means the most to him. A reunion long in the making.

Standing before the ancient, run-down hospital, Shadow stares it up and down. His gaze becomes lost as he looks off into nothingness, as the past returns to curse him once again. The past is finite, memories are limited; there are only so many moments one can go back to. And yet, it's as if the opposite is true. It feels as if the past is endless, as if there are an infinite amount of memories lingering within one's mind, always emerging at specific points in one's time. It's those points where the past intertwines with the present, where one recalls the past and creates a new moment with it, often by interpreting it in different ways. The past returns to the present, which then also becomes part of the past, and so the cycle continues.

It was back in the fortress high above, where it all started. For the sake of emulating a day's cycle within the dark space, the station's lights were dimmed at a certain time. Any project that could potentially cause disturbing, loud noises were ended prior, thus allowing the simulated evening period to be a phase of soothing silence. Machines, guests, and others were either put to rest or escorted to the sleeping quarters until the next morning arrived. While the professor would restlessly tinker on various other projects, his granddaughter was always sent to sleep at a specific time. Only one was ever allowed to accompany the young girl.

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