Cruel Intentions

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I'm currently working on the next chapter, so I apologize ahead for the short chapter >.<


"We're going to be best friends forever!"

"Anyone who dares to lay a finger on you or even dare to talk down to you, will have to choke on my fists!"

"I promise to always be there when you need me. Don't cry. It hurts me to see you cry."

"Oh, sorry. I can't hangout with you today. Student council meeting and stuff. Don't worry. I'll text you right after."

"I'm kind of busy right now."

"What the hell? Why are you overreacting like this? It's not like you're my girlfriend or anything!"

"I'm so sorry. Please forgive me...there! Are you satisfied now? Ugh, you are seriously wasting my time."

"This day will be a constant reminder of the eternal imprisonment you selfishly dragged me into."

"God, kill me now. I rather die in a massacre than spend another day married to you."

"Amber, you're spacing out again."

At once, the latter woke up from the hypnotizing stupor, glancing from side to side to make sure she was on the same time period. The half-eaten linguine strips wrapped around her fork convinced her that she was indeed in the public scrutiny of the snooty European restaurant, carelessly ignoring the existence of her companion. She hastily set the neglected pasta away as she mustered to plaster a smile that would mask her previous trail of thought. "Oh...I'm sorry. What were we talking about again?"

The man before her sighed deeply. He was completely aware of the cheerful facade Amber forcefully puts on to reassure him she had the situation under control. Obviously, he could see right through her false pretense happiness. He always had.

"I...never mind..."

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