3)now look what we have here

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'is that....RUII?!' i looked shocked as he tried to get up but I got him to sit down

"Go away!! Leave me alone!! I'd kill you in a second!!" He screamed as he tried to stand up , I removed my mask and his face was quickly changed from angry to shocked

"You're...your the boy with the Hanafuda earrings!! What do you want?!" He screamed

"Don't act strong I know you still recovering from giyu when he cutted your head" he looked at me with a death stare

"Hump! When where is your sister!? I don't scent her with you-" he stopped when he saw tears almost going from my eyes

"The demon slayer corp burned her to death"I wanted to cry but not now

"I-...I'm sorry" he standed up and looked at my face

"So your not one of them? Your clothes don't look like a demon slayer uniform as I know" he said

"No I quit being a demon slayer, but I do kill demons" we stayed silent as the two of us looked at the ground..."can i join you?" I looked at his face with confused

"Like join you and kill demons , I don't have my family with me and being a demon sucks"

"I don't fully trust you" , "I know but give me a chance! I won't attack you or attack humans" I sigh as I putted my box down and opened it

"Fine your staying with me , but remember if you attacked a single human or attacked me you soo dead" I said as I put my box down so he can get inside it

(I accidentally write 'putted' , I swear if my English teacher saw this she would commit Suicide lols-)

When he got inside I picked up the box when out of the Mountain...

**Time skip because....I can**

Noones pov:

When tanjiro got to his old house he cutted some bamboo and took some old clothes and ripped it to make a bamboo mask for rui , at least for the main time untill he can fully trust him

"What are you doing?" Tanjiro jumped as he heard rui's voice sneak behind

"A mask for you"

"Why? Why not giving me a normal one" he asked

"Sense you already had eaten a human I have to make sure you don't eat anyone , and sense that mask helped my sister then you have to wear it" tanjiro explained as he putted the mask besides him and looked outside

"Soo what now?"

"The sun is gonna come after ....2 hours I think ,so what do you wanna do?" Tanjiro asked

Rui *cutiey* looked at the ground thinking

" How does it feel to have a family?" Rui looked at tanjiro like was dying to know

"Hmm , it like having something you have , you wanna protect it, you wanna help it, you wanna support it , you want it to know you love them , end they can be good and bad , it's like playing a game of luck but instead you have already got the goodies , they would be there for you , love you , support you " the silent was too loud after this , thy both looked at each other wondering what to do now

"How about I read you a bed time story so you can sleep or at least not get bored" Tanjiro asked

Rui nodded his head as tanjiro ran inside and made rui's bed and got a good book to read for him

Rui got ready and layed down

"Okay , ones once upon a time , AMONG ALL THE DEITIES of heaven, there was one famous laughingstock of the three realms, Legend has it that eight hundred years ago, there was an ancient kingdom in the central plains called the Kingdom of Xianle"

(🧸👀 If you know then you know)

Now that was interesting to rui at least, he listened to tanjiro carefully reading
"The Kingdom of Xianle was a vast and bountiful land. There were four treasures within it: abundant and handsome beauties, vibrant music and marvelous literature, gold and gems, and their one infamous crown prince."

**Time skip**

After a little bit if reading rui finally fell asleep when he realized... tanjiro fell asleep half reading it...(lols)


Thank you for reading!

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