chapter 46

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I have a request. I have asked a few questions at the end of the part. Pls answer them. Don't disappoint me.

Abhimaan's POV.

After talking about how I have killed a person I look up towards Advika to know her reaction but only can see hurt and love in her eyes for me. With every passing second her hold on me is getting tight. She looked at me and kissed my forehead.

" It's Ok you were not at all flute." And gave me a smile to continue. But still asked,

" Maan Were you afraid after killing that person?"

" I won't lie. I was not only afraid but terrified. I was just 11 and she chose Vidhyut and allowed them to take me. I know this type of person does human trafficking. I was not that innocent to not know what they could do to me. Also I have been torched by my own mother. So knows the reality of life. I did what I thought was best at that time. I runway from there. Without even knowing where Will I go."

" Where were other family members?"

" After giving his position to Bharat kaka. Dada and Dadi always used to stay out of the country. They used to travel around the world. And about Bharat kaka he wanted to expand business so he was also out of the country. About Mr. Rathore he actually forgot that he was having a son so where was he I still didn't know. After knowing about Mrs. Rathore, he was  broken when Uncle asked him to take care of Vidhyut he brought him. But after that he comes home rarely . Though he never expressed he always has limited interaction with Vidhyut as he doesn't like him. And Chachi I mean Choti ma was at her brother's wedding. With Arav and Devang.

She nodded at me and asked,

" What happened next?"

Flashback. ( Author's POV)

Abhimaan was so  hurt. He knew Vidhyut was her son. But she never acknowledged it. So he  thought she would at least choose him. But she didn't. He Knew that he can't stay there as they will take him  and will sell him for money. So he ran from there but now he will show that lady. Yes, that lady is not his mother anymore. She can be Vidhyut's mother but not his; he thought to himself he will never call her mother.

Now he is running on a street not knowing where to go.he was in his thoughts that time a car hit me. He fell. Black dots started covering his eyes and he fell unconscious.

Once he got conscious he realized that he was in hospital and police were also there.

" Sir that child gain consciousness"

The officer came to him. He thought they would help him but what happened next made him speechless.  He arrested him. He started pleading,

" Sir please I didn't do anything. Please let me go. "

" Aee shut up, you are the son of Rathore's right. We knew you killed a man and ran away from there."

" Sir I didn't do it intentionally, please listen to me."

But they didn't pay any attention to him and took him to the police station and locked him. All his hope that someone will come to save him was crushed down when for next two days nobody came. He was in jail for two days but nobody came. At the end of the second day his chachi came. Yes, before this incident he used to call her chachi but when she supported him when nobody was supporting he started calling her Choti ma.

As soon as the constable opened the jail he ran to his chachi's arm and hugged her.

" Chachi I….I ….. didn't…. Do ….. do…anything….."

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