teen rebellion

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andreas diaz

i've got school today, i almost want to skip, but my mom would kill me and i'm honestly not in the mood for her crazy shit.

i have a love hate relationship with my family. my grandparents on my dad's side are amazing people, my mom's side, not so much.

i wake and take a shower, immediately after that i put on my clothes and go eat breakfast. my mom, was already out of the house, there was a little note that said," i am out with my friends, i'll be home later tonight."

she usually goes out with her friends with no notice, but she's never done it on my goddamn birthday.

today has already gone to shit, doesn't help that my girlfriend hasn't responded to any of my texts.

i sit down, and eat a bowl of cereal as i play music from the speaker my mom keeps in the kitchen.

while playing some random song on the speaker, it gets interrupted up a text notification.

"happy birthday, andreas. i hope you have a great day,
forrest blue"

i smile at the text message and i respond with a thank you.

at least someone remembered my fucking birthday.

this shit is just so, typically.

i continue playing my music at a high volume. i go to my bedroom and grab my bag, i know have a choice. i either call jasmine and ask her for a ride even if she hasn't texted me anything or responded to any of the texts i sent last night.

my other choice is to text people i barely even know, that i only talk about a goddamn school project that i don't wanna do, but if i don't do it i could fail and have to go through the 11th grade all over again.

i sit down on the kitchen table and i decide that it's better that i just text someone from the project group chat, let's see:
1. i have some unresolved beef with leo
2. i genuinely do not know phoenix
3. jasmine hasn't been responding to my texts
4. ava terrifies me
5. forrest, has a car and is someone that i trust enough for me to trust them to drive me to school

i send a text to forrest, "hey, i need a ride to school so if you could please pick me for school."

after 5 minutes i get a response," just tell me where you live so i can pick you up."

i send them my address and i walk outside to wait for forrest. i get sometime to kill and considering the fact that jasmine hasn't responded to any of my texts since last night, i might as well text jasmine's friends on why she hasn't even read my texts.

i sit there staring at those messages until forrest rolls up in their car. i stand up and get in their car.

"hey, thanks for the ride, thank you," i say with a smile on my face. forrest responds with a," no problem, its absolutely my pleasure."

they start the car, as i pull out my phone, even though it's clear as fucking day that jas hasn't responded to any of texts. i'm really scared, like what if something happened and she's like fucking dead.

i think the worry is evident on my face as forrest asks me," what's got you so worried. you like some fucking died in your presence."

"it's just jasmine, she hasn't been responding to my texts and i'm really fucking worried, like what if she fucking died. like i'm really worried," i rant to them, i don't know why i trust them so much.

forrest has a puzzled look on their, they say," she was over at my place last night. she got a text from you and she switched off her phone. she was complaining about you being a piece shit and how you keep annoying her."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2023 ⏰

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