Chapter 14 - Iceland Part 2

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Y/n's pov

It was Wednesday. We had spent yesterday exploring Reykjavik. Visiting the cathedral, walking down the rainbow street, buying way too many Icelandic wool socks and visiting the parliament building which was smaller than Carlos' summer house in his garden.

Today we were visiting 3 different waterfalls. We visited Gullfoss this morning where Carlos dropped one of the hotel keys in the water which involved a lot Spanish swearing. Then we went to Skógafoss where they shot part of a Thor movie. There was also a bride taking pictures there with her bridesmaids. She looked beautiful.

"This one's crowded," Carlos' voice snapped me back to reality. We pulled into the car park in our little rental car and looked out to the 3rd and final waterfall, Seljalandsfoss.

I looked around, there were people everywhere walking towards the waterfall and walking along a little path. "Yep, but no one will notice us."

"I hope not," he grabbed my hand as I finished zipping up my coat. "Why are you wearing a coat? It's 17 degrees."


"17 degrees is not cold Y/n," he laughed and me as I clung into his arm, a cool breeze making me shiver.

"It is to me, we're Spanish remember?"

We followed the crowd up to the waterfall. It was magnificent, the light reflected and refracted off the water forming rainbows in the mist. The path lead behind the waterfall, and the rocks were slippery but it was worth it.

The sheer volume of the waterfall was incredible. It really put in perspective how small we were.

"Are you Carlos Sainz?" I froze as the blood drained from by face. I turned around to see 2 young English girls stood their looking at Carlos excitedly. He squeezed my hand to reassure me.

"I am," he smiled like a pro.

"Can we take a picture?" The other girl asked.

"Yes, of course," he smiled then turned to me. "Why don't you take it?"

"Yeah I will," one of the girls handed me her phone and I took the picture directly behind the waterfall.

"Thank you so much!" And they ran off whispering to each other and giggling.

Carlos laughed when he noticed my scared face. "Relax Y/n, it was just a picture."

"Carlos, they know you're here. They saw me. They saw me attached to your arm. If that picture gets out, it would ruin everything," I started to panic, but Carlos kissed my forehead which immediately calmed my nerves.

"It's not going to get out, we'll be fine, so forget about it and enjoy the view, ok gatito?" He smirked.

"What did I say about pet names?" I glared at him.

"I'm sorry," but he didn't look it. What he didn't know is Max had about 50 names for me and every time I heard one, it put a sour taste in my mouth. "Come on."

We walked back out of the waterfall and up some stairs. I took plenty of pictures.

"I guess that's it then," Carlos said as we got back into ground level.

"I don't think so," I said looking around and noticing the path on the floor. "The path can't lead to nowhere."

"I suppose," he followed my gaze along the cliffs.

"Let's go and explore then."

We wandered along the path for a short while laughing and talking and I was completely enchanted by the man next to me, who also happened to be my boyfriend.


That word still sounded so perfect and magical every time I thought of it, even though I never thought that he would be Carlos.

"There's a cave," I pointed to a break in the rocks. "I wonder what's in there."

"I can hear water," Carlos remarked as he followed me over the rocks.

I walked through the entrance and gasped. "Carlos look!"

It was a beautiful secret waterfall, hidden away in a cave. There was water on my surrounding my feet so I hopped onto a large boulder in front of me.

"This is amazing," Carlos' voice was muffled by the sound of the water. "We're completely alone."

He joined me on the rock. "Wow"

"I know, it's beautiful," I replied, taking his hand. "This has been the best experience of my life."

"I love you Y/n," he said simply and quietly, still staring at the waterfall.

"What?" I gasped and I could feel my heart against my ribs.

"I love you," he looked at me this time, his dark brown eyes glistening in the dappled light. "It took me way too long for me to realise it, but I know now, and I'll never stop."

"I love you too," I said, like an instinct, it felt natural. "Apart from, I've always loved you, and I always will."

He lifted my chin up with his finger and looked into my eyes for a brief minute before kissing me.

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