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Kingston and Issei had nothing better to do other than bother Michael all day. They wanted to go ride the carousel, wanted to see the animals, wanted him to run around the house with them. Every hour or so they would storm into his office begging to do something else, they didn't know what it was they wanted to do.

He honestly had been so busy going over paperwork that he just let them do whatever it was they wanted as long as Alicia was with them. Last he had heard from them, Alicia was getting ready to serve them lunch and then they would finally settle down for an hour and a half long nap. But of course, in true KJ and Issei fashion, they'd snuck out of the family room when Alicia fell asleep and into Michael's to watch cartoons on his TV.

Michael sighed softly realizing some of his documents were missing from the piles of paperwork on his desk. He went through everything to make sure it indeed wasn't there before leaving to go check on the kids.

After walking to the family room and finding only a knocked-out Alicia and two empty pallets, he took the trip to his room to get the papers that he knew he'd left there the night before. He knew he'd find his children there, so he didn't bother going up to their bedrooms to check.

When he entered the room, he could hear the TV playing lowly from upstairs. He climbed the stairs and saw both of them laid sideways in the middle of the bed. Issei was asleep with her thumb in her mouth and KJ could barely keep his eyes open to watch the episode of SpongeBob, so he grabbed the remote from the bed and turned the TV off.

"Nooo." KJ opened his eyes and whined.

"You supposed to be taking a nap." Michael set the remote on the table and began looking through all of the papers there for the ones he was missing in his office.

"I am." He tried to rub the tiredness out of his eyes.

"Not if you talking to me you ain't."

"Can I watch cartoons please, Daddy?"

"After you wake up from your nap, yes." He picked a paper up reading it.

Kingston groaned and turned his body to lay his head on one of his father's pillows. Michael set they papers that he needed aside and checked through them all again for the one he hadn't found yet.

"I have to pee," KJ mumbled sleepily.

Michael chuckled and stacked the papers back up seeing that the last document clearly wasn't in the pile. "Well go pee, KJ."

Kingston sat up and put a hand on the nightstand, using it to slide off the bed despite there being a bunch of stuff on it. His hand was pressed against a paper, and it slipped off the surface causing him to fall to the ground.

"Ouch." He turned over and looked at his knees that had scraped across the carpet a bit. The fall wasn't rough enough to burn him, but the friction left him ashy and was enough to startle him into thinking he was hurt.

"Are you ok?" Michael picked him up from the floor setting him on his feet and began checking him.

The sensation in his knees went away just as quickly as it had appeared, so he nodded. "I'm ok."

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