Chapter 2

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As Kate walked out of the showcase venue, she couldn't shake the feeling of excitement and adrenaline. She had just performed in front of some of the biggest names in the industry and had met NbaYoungBoy, one of her favorite artists.

Her phone buzzed, and she saw a message from him. "Hey, it's Kentrell. Just wanted to make sure you got home safe."

Kate smiled as she typed back, "Yeah, I did. Thanks for checking."

They continued texting back and forth for the next few days, and Kate found herself growing more and more attracted to him. She knew about his reputation, but there was something about him that she couldn't resist.

One day, Kentrell asked if she wanted to hang out, and she agreed. They met up at his apartment, and he introduced her to his best friend, Ben, and his little brother, Kendell.

Kendell couldn't take his eyes off of Kate, and Ben teased him about it. "Leave her alone, man. She's way out of your league," he said with a laugh.

Kate felt flattered by the attention but tried to keep things friendly with everyone. They talked and joked around, and Kentrell rolled up a joint for them all to share.

As they passed it around, something unexpected happened. The police kicked down the door and stormed into the apartment, guns drawn.

Kate's heart raced as she realized she was caught up in something she had no idea about. The officers ordered them to get on the ground and put their hands up, and she complied, shaking with fear.

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