River Falls High (The Intro)

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This song is the Inspiration for this chapter so I highly recommend listening to it while reading, So sorry for the update being late. The story will continue I promise it will pick up and get more spicy bare with me LOL, this is just for you to get a feel for the main character and her personality and the vibe of where this takes place. Feedback is always appreciated! Thank you Guys!! I present to you......

River Falls High.



5:08 am

I couldn't sleep the night before. 

Something woke me out of my sleep at around 5 o'clock this morning and I kinda decided to just stay up, stare at the ceiling and think. That worked for about five minutes before I eventually got bored and decided to go downstairs and watch Twilight, specifically breaking dawn part one. Whenever it looked as if it was going to rain my mom and I use to watch that movie before she was taken from me. 

6:26 am

I stopped the movie about halfway through and decided to take a walk around the neighborhood.  

The sky was foggy with the sun peaking through the clouds, it was cold to the point to where the freezing temperature was turning my nose red but when I looked up at the sky it felt as though the sun was kissing my face to provide me just the right amount of warmth. 

Almost as if she was saying good morning

I continued to look up at the sky with a small smile on my face and said "Good Morning Mom". 

6:41 am 

I make my way back into the house and carefully walk up the stairs to make sure I don't wake my father since he has about fifteen minutes before his alarm goes off for work. I think my nerves were getting the best of me since it was my first day at a brand new school. I didn't have many friends back in Arizona, so I don't expect a different outcome here either. The plan is to fake it till I make it and hope for the best. 

7:00 am 

School starts at 8:15 am

 I decide to get a head start on my morning and take a shower.

After showering I wash my face, brush my teeth, dry my hair 

I look in the mirror and debate if I want to make a good first impression. I think about all the things my mom would be saying to me in order to prepare me for my first day of school and I know she would want me to take the time to actually look decent for a change, and with that I decide to "Go big or stay home", or whatever that saying is. 

I take my curling wand, grab my ancient makeup bag and I get to work. 

7:28 am

By the time I'm finished my curtain bangs are framing my face, my bold curls are naturally defined,  and I finish off my face with light blush and a little bit of setting spray. 

I hear a knock on my door and I peak from my bathroom door.

My dad is standing in the door frame and says " Hey Vi, I'm headed to w-", he stops mid sentence as he looks up and sees me. "Wow, you look just like your mother when she was in high school" he says. I smirk and say, "Don't get sappy on me". He lets out a slight chuckle and says "Alright,  well I'm off to work if you have any trouble at school here's my work number I'll pick you up after school", "Do you remember where the bus stop is?" He says. "Yes I remember, I walked past it this morning". He gives me a stern look " Violet Avery, you're not suppose to go out without letting me know first, we're still not use to the area you know". I slightly roll my eyes and say "Okaaaay I know I know, I'm sorry. Won't happen again, scouts honor". I shoot up the Katniss Everdeen fingers, he walks out of my room laughing and says "You get more like your mother everyday". with that being said the giddiest smile appears on my face. 

7:49 am

I decided to wear my high waisted white cargo pants with a light brown oversized graphic tee and my brown nike dunk lows. I feel like that outfit set the vibe for "I'm trying not too little and not too much". 

I grab my backpack, Jacket and headphones in a hurry as I'm rushing to get to the bus stop in time. 

In the nick of time I get to the bus stop just as the last kid was getting on.

Since my stop was the last before the bus reached the school most of the seats we're already taken. I make my way towards the back and I see a kid with an open seat next to him. It looked like he had headphones in so I lightly tap his shoulder and say "May I sit?" He looks up at me with the most gorgeous blue eyes, they almost seem a little too familiar but his face doesn't match up with the ones that I seem to know a little too well. For a second we hold eye contact and it seems like an eternity has went by in 5.4 seconds, it's like a shock of electricy overrides my entire system and his eyes triggered that spark. All until he breaks the trance, he rolls his eyes, grunts and says underneath his breath "Whatever". 

I'm stunned. 

I do the only thing I can do and sit down next to him.

"What a dick" I say underneath my breath. 

I feel eyes gazing at me so I slowly turn my head in his direction 

"Oh shit he most definitely heard what I said" I think to myself. 

As our eyes meet again there's a slight smirk on his face this time, my cheeks turn red. 

He most definitely heard me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2023 ⏰

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