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I might not be on my best behaviur....I swear it's not on purpose. I don't always succeed to stay in the best mood. I could be doing something more productive, but I'm using devices. It just helps me escape. It helps me escape everything else. It might not sound like a reasonable excuse. But I swear by God I am trying. I really am trying. Over internet I have people who mean so much to me. More than some people ever's not necessary they have to be fake. Even if they are..........I can't help it. I can't help caring for some people. But please trust me. I have conscience..I do not lose them like girls taking off clothes on feed. I do know boundaries.....I meant for them to make you happy. I might not be trying enough in your view. Please. Please just for once know that...despite all these I do love you and more than you can think. Even If I'm not the best at showing affection............But really, I have been having problems on that too.

I'm sorry.

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