The Mist Men

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The sun was shining down brightly as they got closer and closer to a mountain that seemed to be just a shadow in the distance. When they were close to the mountain enough to land at its foot, they saw that it was shrouded in a thick mist.

They landed at the foot of the mountain. Then they got off Spark and walked towards the foot of the mountain shrouded in thick clouds of mist. Before they had walked a few paces a man wearing long grey robes met them.

"Where are you headed?" he asked, raising his hand. Then mist swirled around him and they saw that he had turned into a giant wolf when the mist cleared.

"We came to look for Oliver who was taken by the Mist Men," said Rowan to the wolf.

"I am one of them and if you want your friend back you will have to speak to the Mist Monarch," said the wolf. "Follow me," it said looking at Rowan and Freddy.

Rowan spoke to Spark and said, "stay behind and keep your ears peeled," and turned to follow the wolf.

They walked to the foot of the mountain and the wolf howled and an opening revealed itself with a rumble and a crash of a boulder moving aside.

There were men dressed in long grey robes like the ones of the stranger that had led Rowan and Freddy before he turned into a wolf.

They walked into a passage illuminated by glowing crystals on the wall. They walked further and further into the passage. Then they came to a large pair of doors. There were two wooden doors and once again the wolf howled and the men standing on either side of the doors opened the door.

They walked into a vast hall with tall stone statues on either side of an isle.

On the end of the cavern there was a man wearing silver robes sitting on a throne made of crystal. The wolf howled and there was a flash and standing there was the stranger that had met Freddy and Rowan at first when they had walked towards the foot of the mountain.

"What brings these strangers here, Leonard?" asked the man in the silver robes sitting on the throne.

"These folk are seeking one of their lost companions kidnapped according to them by us, Mist Men, your majesty," said the man who had been a wolf.

"Well, what are you willing to give for his safe return?" asked the man on the throne.

"What are you expecting, if we might be so bold to ask, your majesty," said Rowan bowing at the man on the throne.

"Well, if you could cure my son of his sleeping sickness, then I would let your companion go," said the Mist Monarch, tapping his foot on the floor.

"Well, I can certainly try, your majesty," said Rowan, "how did he happen to fall asleep, if I might be so bold to inquire."

"The goblins did this to him while he was out hunting. We Mist Men are no conjurers but merely shape shifters."

"Could you take me to him, your majesty. I might be able to help," said Rowan, bowing. 

"Alright, follow me," said the Mist Monarch getting up from his throne. Several other Mist Men wearing grey robes followed him and Rowan and Freddy went right behind them.

They went down dimly lit passages passing caves that were lit with big bright candelabras.

Then they came to a shut cave and the Mist Monarch touched the cave entrance which had a boulder rolled across its entrance and with a silver ring in his hand and the boulder moved aside.

They walked into a room with a four poster bed. When they got closer to the bed, they saw a young boy lying in bed. "He's here," said the Mist Monarch in a whisper.

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