His Runaway Bride

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Scene 1: The school hallway. First day of the second semester in Senior Year. Jessica is walking alone in the hallway, looking for her friends. As she approaches a group of men sitting and talking on a bench, Clark stands up, blocking her way.

Clark: Hey, nerd. Looking for someone? (smirking while caressing Jessica's hair)
Jessica: (slaps Clark's hand off her) It's Nanno.
Clark: Who's Nanno?

(Jessica walks past Clark, not minding the boy, but Clark grabs her wrist, stopping her)

Clark: Hey, I'm asking you, who's Nanno?
Jessica: None of your business.
Clark's Friends: (laughing)

(Karen and Tricia, Jessica's friends, witness Clark making fun of Jessica once again)

Karen: (approaches) Clark, oh my god! Can you, for once, stop teasing her? I know you like my attention, but don't you ever use my friend for your dirty antics. (slightly punches Clark's arm)

Clark: What are you talking about? You're being weird again.

Tricia: Hey, are you okay?

Jessica: Yep, I've been looking for you guys everywhere. I'm already hungry.

Tricia: Oh! I'm sorry. You know Karen, she likes fixing her makeup in the powder room. Karen, let's go!

Karen: Clark, wanna join us?

Clark: Where?

Karen: Cafeteria.

Clark: Why would I?

Karen: Duh, obviously because you want to be with me. I'm giving you a chance, Clark. Can't you see?

Clark: What? No thanks then. (approaches his friends)

Karen: In denial, tss.

Tricia: Karen, can you please stop? You're only embarrassing yourself!

Karen: I'm not. Can you hold my bag, Jessica?

Jessica: (Holds Karen's bag)

Karen: Anyway, if he's gonna continue acting like that, I might replace him. Speaking of which, I saw a new hottie this morning. Sadly, he's just a security guard, but still, he's fine.

Tricia: I think I saw him too this morning. No doubt, he's too handsome for a security guard. Did you see him too, Jessica?
Jessica: Umm... no.

Karen: That look is totally my type. So manly. He's awakening my worldly desire. I have this feeling that our last year in Senior High will be a paradise.
Tricia: Oh, stop it. Clark's right, you're so weird.

Jessica: (chuckles)

Karen: Hey, are you laughing at me?

Jessica: No, I'm wheezing.

Karen: I saw you! How dare you, Jessica. I thought you were my friend.

Tricia: What? So you're gonna bully Jessica now?

Karen: I'm not! I hate you both!

Jessica: (While choosing her food) Fine, I'm sorry. But Tricia is right, stop saying those kinds of words.

Karen: I'm only stating facts.

Tricia: (While choosing her food) Tomorrow is Saturday. Are we on for movie night?

Karen: Right, you're on the "Euphoria" craze.

Jessica: I can't tomorrow night.

Karen: I'm craving pasta. Can your mom cook for us?

Tricia: I'm sure she will.

Jessica: Guys, I'll find us a seat.

Tricia: Oh, thank you, Jessica.

My Runaway BrideOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant