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Crosshair squinted at him wondering if they were on the same page or not, Tech shrugged "Do you want me to remove Echo from the room for you?" Apparently we're not. Crosshair groaned. You looked towards both of them... Oh. You rolled your eyes attempting to leave them to figure it out when you felt Cross push you against the wall gently holding the back of your head and waist.

"Cross-" you started feeling him stop, "I didn't mean-" you felt his lips hovering maybe an inch away from yours, "so if you did..."

"I know," he whispered, "I didn't, Kair'ta. I... am sorry I made you feel like that," the apology stuck in his throat, "I am loyal to the Republic. It felt... wrong... I did like it..." he offered, "it wasn't pride... I couldn't risk having you choose Slick instead..."

Tech openly stared listening to every word and would have never guessed that Crosshair could verbally apologize let alone explain himself. She really has had an effect on all of us.

"Don't get me wrong I like being the one in charge but I will give you the reigns if you want them eventually, just not this time.. if you ever want too.... again with me," Tech jaw fell open at the vulnerability quickly backing out of the holding area.

"Crosshair..." you said putting your hands to his face feeling the cut of his nose down to the cut of his cheeks to his jaw, "It hurt a lot... but I do understand.. I just wanted to apologize for pulling your ear."

Crosshair let out a sharp cruel laugh, "We disobeyed your orders.. knowing it could conflict with what you needed to do and you wanted to apologize?" You never needed to apologize to me, "I love you."

"I love you too."

"But first-" he said letting his tongue move down your neck to his spot, kissing it for a few moments to give you time tell him stop before he continued. He took your skin gently his lips still waiting but it didn't come, he gently weaved his fingers through your hair tipping your head back gently so he could get a better angle to his teeth.

"Maybe you are getting soft on me scrawny?" You whispered playfully.

"I'm anything but soft," he smiled, "just let me take my time with you if you'll have me."

"You don't need-" to ask.

"Yes I do," You gave him a nod of understanding, "Move, Echo for me," he said into his com.

Tech peaked still seeing the uncomfortable tenderness of him, briskly walking passed them into the room moving a still extremely sloshed Echo to his bunk, "You're clear." He checked on Wrecker before returning to his research about effective relationship communication.

Crosshair gently recalled you from the wall tugging you room, "I do have one request" he asked listening you to make a little hmm sound, "Dance with me again," he saw the corner of your mouth twitch but your hands move out waiting.

"What's with you and dancing?" you questioned.

"I'm not much for words, dance is a silent way to communicate," he answered plainly, taking your hands pulling you to him, "I wish you could see this.." he whispered wrapping one hand towards him having your hand between your hearts touching his chest.

"I don't need my eyes to tell me how you feel," you said squeezing his hand, laughing when you noticing the outline of him become a little more clearer.

"What's funny?" He asked worried he was the joke.

"Vision got slightly better," you said laughing more looking at him.

"Your eyes must like me" Crosshair said cockily. He started swaying leaning his forehead down, "I haven't share my toothpicks with anyone... ever," he admitted the intimacy making his skin crawl. Crosshair had never been a touchy person even as a child preferring his privacy and personal space even as an adult after physical encounters he was accustomed to just being carnal and leaving not bothered with the intimacy so forcing himself to open felt like he was betraying every fiber of himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2023 ⏰

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