It Began

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Her parents left.

As ordered, she went to the balcony to dry the clothes. It had turned dark. She stood on the stool and picked up every cloth one after another straightening 'em and placing it one after another on the wire.

Every time she straightened her back, her hair was pulled, as though someone did it. She didn't let that bother her, because just behind her was the railing lined on top of another.

Soon she went inside after finishing her task.

She went to the washroom to wash her hand. When she looked into the mirror, she saw an illusion of her hair being pulled. She was confused and later thought that it was just another image she created on her own!

She smiled into the mirror as she always did and walked outside. She pulled the door behind her to close it, and when she let it go, it closed on its own with a "thud".

She lay down on her bed, procrastinating as always and living in her fantasy world.

Her parents had gone to her second cousin's engagement so she, her sister and her little brother were left home alone.

She joined her siblings and watched the television until the doorbell rang. They taught it was their parents so they mended themselves and Calliope's sister opened the door.

It was their neighbour, also their brother's friend who wanted to invite him to play downstairs but Calliope didn't let him go.

The bell rang another two-three times, each time a different friend showed up. And these times Calliope opened the door herself.

The doorbell rang again so the frustrated Calliope asked her brother itself to see the door. It was Uncle Ken, he had got them dinner.

With a deep breath, letting go of her frustration, she smiled and greeted Uncle. When Uncle left they served themselves and finished their food.

Lilith, Calliope's little sister slept with her grandmother who lived upstairs so after finishing supper, so she left.

It was only Calliope and Aiden now, so they continued watching tv.

It was past bedtime, so Aiden headed to bed.

Calliope switched off the television and grabbed her laptop to write. She soon got tired and waited for her parents in bed and as she did so she fell into a deep, mysterious, heavy sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2023 ⏰

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