Going back to the start

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-5 years ago- 

AUGUST 9TH, 2018

Im standing in platoon at attention. Roca beside me. 

"Congratulations on finishing your 27 week training and passing the ASVAB with a 97. You are officially part of the US MARINE CORPS K-9 UNIT." i smile as i hear those words come from Sergent Major Garcia. He shakes my hand and salutes me. I salute back with a huge smile. He returns a good job smile. He looks to Roca and salutes her. Shes my protector and Best friend. Im glad I went through this instead of being a pilot. Mom is crying, and Dad is standing behind me with his hand on my back. I really hope i made them proud. thats all ive ever wanted since i was little. Im 21 and a half now.

"Good job kid." Dad says from behind me. I smile a small smile. but return to my military bearing. Roca yawns. We have been through alot. Shadow was the first and now Roca is the second. Shes my best friend.

-10 years ago-


"Shit." i whisper, I watch as the blood pours down my arms. This is gonna be so much to clean up.


"Kid come on- i hear my dad say as he opens the door to my bedroom. 

"i can explain." is all i say

"AGAIN!" Dad shouts. 

"Im sorry!" I cry. 

"Get in the car ill grab the first aid kit." He says and points to the car.

"Yes sir." I say and walk out of the house. Fuck he's going to take me back to the psych ward, watch. I know its only because he wants the best for me but i hate going there. its lonely and i never get better i just pretend to get better so i can come home. 

"Let me see." He says putting his hand out for me to put my arm in. He puts alcohol on some tissue and dabs my cuts. He bandages them and makes sure its good. i hiss in pain. "Maybe if you wouldnt do this it wouldnt hurt." He says and shakes his head. He starts the car, and we are off to the psych ward.

"Im sorry dad. i really am. please dont take me back" I plead. I know the route to the psych ward. Its 3 exits, 2 rights and 4 lefts from the house. 

"Allison you continue to hurt yourself. youre going back." He replies keeping his eyes on the road. we pull into the parking lot of the psych ward. 

"But dad! Its lonely there! and im never getting better!" I say. He gives me a sturn look. I look at him with tears rolling down my cheeks. 

"Dont cry kid. its okay. You wont be there for long." he wipes the tears from my face

"But dad i dont want to go." I say and hug him.

"Kid its gonna be okay. just breathe. Look at me," He says and crouches down to my level. "Its not going to be for long. maybe make some friends." He ruffles my curly hair and puts his Marine cap on my head. 

"But dad."

"No buts i need to go over seas for a little and ill be back soon. Ill send you cards, and wear the cap when you are thinking of me, ill know. Once a Marine, Always a Marine. Its gonna be okay. Ill get you when im back." He says and gives me a big hug. He gives me a kiss on the top of my head and leaves me to walk alone into the psych ward. 

"Allison Sanchez. Checking in." I say to Mrs. Thorne, shes the woman at the front desk. Shes older, shes like a grandma i never had, I rest my forehead on her shoulder when she hugs me. im about 5'6" shes about 5'. 

"Hi Ms. Sanchez, How you doing sweetie?" she asks with a sympathetic smile.

"Im fine Mrs. Thorne." I reply blankly. 

"are you sure?" She asks with concern in her voice. 

"yea i just need a hug thats all. How are you doing?" I ask

"Im doing just fine sweetie. would you like a hug from me?" She says with a soft smile. 

"Yes please." I say with tears in my eyes. She gets up from her chair and walks around the desk and opens her arms. 

"Come here." she says and she embraces me. i break down in tears. 

"Thank you Mrs. Thorne." i say looking up at her. she wipes my tears and smiles. she lets go of me and hands me my key to my room. 

"Come down anytime. i never get hugs." She says and chuckles

"I will." i reply.

"just remember everything is going to be okay." She says, I nod and smile a soft teary eyed smile. I walk to my room and put my bag down. i look at my wall. the one ive been painting on. i unpack the bag that dad packed me before he got in the car. Im still wearing his cap. I fix my bed up and sweep the floor. I put my socks on 


"come in." i say 

"Hi Ms. Sanchez, ive missed you cutie patootie." i hear nurse Rose's caring voice.

"Hi Nurse Rose." I say and give her a huge hug. Shes like a mom ive never had. 

"Well dont you look cute." She says looking at my cap and my outfit. im in a black dress and leggings. I smile and slip out of her arms. 

"How was being home?" She asks 

"Hectic. Dad and Mom still cant handle their own agression. Me protecting andrew as always. normal human activities. School is scary. i dont like being there." i explain.

"well at least youre almost an adult in what a year and a half? Your turning 17 in what 6ish months?" She questions. 

"About that yea. i still have 11th grade and 12th grade to get through." I reply. 

"its okay you will get through it. Ill be here the whole time." She smiles. I feel a tear rolling down my cheek. 

"I dont know if Ill last that long though." I state. her facial expression softens. 

"Awh sweetie dont think like that." she says and wraps her right hand around my left hand. she sees the bandages on my wrist. 

"im sorry nurse rose." I say sobbing now

"sweetie. dont cry, its okay. lets get u cleaned up and healed." She says getting up. She walks out. She grabs the tray full of doctor tools that i hate looking at. I give her my arm. She removes the bandages from my left wrist. The cuts are deep and long. The air of the hospital stings my arm. I watch as she stitches my skin back together. she carefully ties off the knot at the end. She covers it in gauze and bandages. She opens the door. Takes the tray of doctor tools out, then leaves my door open. 

"Open your window." She tells me. So i do as told. I open my window fully. 

"There now you have some good air flow." She states with a smile. 

"thank you Nurse Rose." I say once more

"no need to thank me cutie patootie," She says with a smile and pauses, "Im gonna send another patient to come see you in 5-10 minutes. they have been here for a week and i think you will get along with them really well." She smiles a bright smile. i return a small smile and a wave as she walks away. Im laying on my bed. I grab my coloring pad and i start drawing. 

(Authors Note: Good morning or evening to whom ever reading!! 1367 WORDS?? OMG?? Well guys im finally making a different type a book for once in my whole entire life. Will be updated soon maybe 1-2 days. Ive been PREETTYY busy scheduling surgery and a bunch of other bs going on in my life. but i really hope yall are doing well and ill update yall on the next authors note. but Much love to everyone. <3              -ur favorite psych ward patient <3)

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