Chapter 1

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The stares from countless people in a filled hallway. The sound of my clicking heels on the tiled floor and the swoosh of my hair swinging back and forth. Whistles from countless hormone driven teenage boys and glares from every girl there was. Except for one, a brunette who was surprisingly smiling at me, like I was the best thing that had happened to that school.

The day I arrived at Rydell High School with my friends was an important one. We looked completely different since we had come all the way from Tulsa, Oklahoma. Our leather biker jackets stood out among the jock jackets here and my red lips especially stuck out like a sore thumb among the perfectly pink glossed lips on the other girls at the high school. I had a whole group of friends that moved with me to Rydell High and we called ourselves the greasers. There was the oldest, other than Darry Curtis back at home, named Keith "Two-Bit" Mathews. Two-Bit always like to put his "two-bits" worth in, hence the name. He was cracking jokes all the time and was definitely the most humorous out of our group. Next in our order is Dallas "Dally" Winston. He was mean and tuff and just plain dirty. He was the troublemaker of our clan, but we all loved him anyways. The only one he didn't pick on too much was Johnny Cade. Johnny's the fourth oldest and he's real quiet and timid ever since the Socs back in Oklahoma jumped him. It's a long story, but back in Oklahoma there was a group of people we call the Socials or Socs that we were always in rivalry with. They were mean and we always got into fights with one another. Soc lived on the west side of town and we lived on the east. Johnny's been real timid ever since Bob Sheldon, or the "guy with rings", almost killed him in a jumping. Next in line was Sodapop Curtis, my best friend and crush at the time, who was brothers to the one back home, Darry Curtis. Soda had a way of making people smile, which was what I liked best about him. He's always competing with our his best friend Steve Randle, who is actually older than Dally. Steve is wild and loud and extremely obnoxious. I don't have any clue why Soda adores having him as a best friend so much, but I guess we kind of all like Steve somewhat. Well, the is except for Ponyboy. Ponyboy is the younger brother of Sodapop and Darry Curtis and he never has really liked Steve. I guess it's kind of because Steve never lets Pony tag along on any of his and Soda's adventures, kind of makes Pony feel like a little kid. We're all like a big family like that, though, in the way that we have our issues but we still all love each other to some degree.

So me and my "family" walked in to Rydell High with our heads held high at the first of the school year, thinking that we owned the place. How foolish had we been. After glancing at countless glares and hearing a numerous amount of whistles, I felt Sodapop stop and fall in front of me making me and all the people around us fall as well, since we were all huddled in a large group. Some jock had tripped us all, and we lied there just looking around like a bunch of idiots. I couldn't believe that it had only been about two minutes before kids already started picking on us. I guess you could say we were used to it, being greasers and everything, but this felt a little different. It was almost as if we weren't getting picked on just because we were greasers but because we were new. It just didn't feel right.

I quickly screamed at the blonde who had tripped Soda and the rest of us exclaiming, "You stupid idiot! You know it's real pathetic that you have to pick on someone just because you're not happy with yourself." Everyone just stared at me as my friends and I slowly stood up. The guy just laughed and continued on with his friends down the hallway, as if he had done absolutely nothing wrong. I was still getting up when I found the same brunette that was smiling at me earlier right above me. I looked up and BAM! There she was.

She reached out her hand and explained, "Hello. I'm Mackenzie. Sorry for those guys that tripped all of you, they can be real jerks. What's your name?" I took the strange girl's hand as I looked her over at her pink jacket and tight black pants. Boy, were they tight.

"Katlyn," I said nodding, "But, you can call me Kat like my friends do."

"Cool!" she exclaimed loudly, "I like that name."

"Really?" I asked curiously. No one had ever really told me they liked my name before. It felt kind of nice, though, because it sounded like she really did like my name. "Mind if I call you, Mack?" Mackenzie just kind of looked at me weird for a moment, but then she shook her head.

"Of course!" she exclaimed smiling broadly. "Need help getting to class?"

"Yeah," I replied shyly. "A lot of help." Mack just giggled, grabbed me by the arm and started walking me down the hallway. It actually felt comforting to know that somebody cared, and I thought for a second that the school year might not be as bad as I thought. Boy, was I wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2015 ⏰

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