Power is what defines one's life. The more powerful you are the more the people respect you.

Some people don't have the luxury of powerful powers and tend to be oppressed by society.

So our society made a hierarchy of the highest standing and most power infused beings being Royals. The commoners class being the ones that aren't really oppressed by society and have powers that succeed as trainable but not royal.

Then There's the lowest class called the lowlife who have weak powers

Then there are two factions called heros and villains.

The heros as the favorite and the villains as the feared. Commoners and other royals don't mess with villains

The lowlife class don't even want to mess with the villains due to the immense amounts of power they have.

The only ones capable of fighting the villain factions are the heros.

The hero faction is controlled by the government and the CAV (contain All villains) or the AVC (all villains contained)

The villains are kinda on their own.There is a group of villains called the Sirens who cause as much death and mayhem as they can before they are stopped and sentenced to life in containment.

So technically there are six groups in one faction.


Sirens=destroy and cause mayhem

Freaks=cause mayhem attacking anyone or anything in their path. Due to them being.....different or monstrous

Chaos=use their powers to just fight heros

Amulet=technology and science fueled desire to controll all and the be most technological advanced and scientific villains to control the world

Vigilante=heros without a hero license.

There is currently only one person who is this group due to the government and the CAV AND AVC hunting them down and containing them except one. The [Redacted]

Shadow=plunge the world into darkness

yandere hero x oc villain (male x male ) Where stories live. Discover now