It was 12 A=M in the city of Talia and things were just getting started.

John was looking at the hero assessment board and saw he did not make the team

John was a boy who had green hair and had a face that would rival a high elf.

John smirked and left the board to go back to class. John was going to math class and was about to open the door when


'Ugh' John said as he entered the classroom

John went to pick up his things when an annoyingly familiar voice said.

"whats happening John, why are you leaving so early."

'It's nothing hero'john said back toward the teen known as the famous hero sunstreak

John packed his things and was about to leave when sunstreak AKA Trenton or Trent grabbed John."John tell me. I want to help you out with this"

'NO' John yelled back " anything wrong Mr Keaton" the teacher called to John as John said 'no mr Kurt I'm fine' John hurriedly left the the class.

The whole class started talking about John's weird behavior towards Trent and Trent grabbed his bag and ran after John.


John made it to the office and saw his contractor leon AKA the shadow walker
Waiting for him at the office.

'HEY Leon fancy seeing you here' John smirked at leon who was only the same age and height as John but they get along.

" Oh hey John......your father wanted me to tell you that you have successfully completed school and you don't need to go anymore"

John sighed he finally can be free from the Hero assessment board. Just as John was about to go Trent grabbed John and twisted him around to face him.

"What do you want Trent" John said but to much to John's dislike he talked more harsh than he wanted it to.

Trent twitched but he let go of John
"Were are you going ? Are you going to be able to be back"

'No Trent I'm Done with school'

Trent was emotionless and was about to go when John handed him a slip of paper

'Trent I know I never really got to know you better but.......maybe we can change that. Here's my phone number Hero."

Trent had the happiest ever expression on his face and he streaked away.

John looked at leon and said 'let's go,'

Leon looked at the direction the hero sunstreak went and glared................Leon HATED sunstreak........shadow walkers nemesis Is sunstreak due to the fact that the sun is light and the shadow is dark.........and that Trent has what he doesn't..........John's Attention. The reason leon wants John's attention was because leon had a massively huge crush on the boy. John and leon were very good friends but to John. Leon was just somebody his father paid to be his protector.

Leon wanted to be John's everything.
His boyfriend his lover.

Both boys got out of the school and leon wanted to ask John if he wanted to go to the arcade.

But John got a call from the police station.

'Yes......uhuh..........I know........okay, leon we have to stop by the police station my father wants to see me.'

"Oh OK.....wanna do arcade when you're free ? "

'Sure leon........I just need to talk to dad's

John's dad is a very well known Vigilante called creator and johns mother is a villain called these two were married is unknown to John but his mother called him the embodiment of chaos.

So John's Vigilante name is chaos

yandere hero x oc villain (male x male ) Where stories live. Discover now