Chapter 1: Friday

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Going to camp for the first time as an eighteen-year-old was one of the worst things Kim's parents had ever suggested. She had been planning to stay home and lock herself up in her room while listening to her best friend, Amanda, talk about her vacation in Canada. Instead, she was going to be stuck at some camp away from home for two weeks. Two perfect weeks she could have used to do nothing all day.

"Hurry up, Kim! They need you there by eleven," her mom shouted. Kim groaned as she dried her hair with the white towel. She would have gotten ready earlier if her parents had told her about the stupid camp beforehand, but no, they'd woken her up before the sun even rose to tell her she was being sent away. If her parents wanted her gone, they could have let her go on vacation with Amanda. Amanda's parents were willing to pay for half of her expenses too.

Asian parents. Kim muttered all her annoyed thoughts, roughly rubbing the towel all over her hair as it tangled the thin strands connected to her scalp. Her parents always did this. They always told her way too late for her to plan or get ready. Before going to the store, her mom would ask her if she wanted to go the minute she was out the door. Her dad would tell her to get ready without saying where they were going.

At the very least, they could warn her. For once, they could think of her.

She threw her towel over the shower to dry even though it didn't matter because she wouldn't be using it again for two weeks. She dressed up in a loose gray T-shirt that showed off one side of her shoulder more than the other and jean shorts that were wrinkly because Kim rarely wore jean shorts. Denim was meant for pants or jackets, not shorts.

She tried to shove her phone into her front pocket, but it was clearly too small for anything but a penny. Her earphones were connected to it as she bundled it up to put in her left pocket. She looked around the room as her mom neatly rolled up random clothes she chose from the closet. Kim didn't have a good feeling about the clothes her mom packed, but she didn't have time to fix her mom's mistakes.

"I could have packed up myself if you two told me earlier than today." She leaned over her bookshelf where her camera was displayed. Photo albums and photo books were stacked next to it instead of novels. She could take the camera.

Nah. She didn't want to take any chances of it getting broken or dirtied because of camp. She didn't even know if she would have time to take pictures. For sure, they had things to do other than hiking around and dying under the California sun.

Her mom zipped up everything and patted her back. "Good. You're done." She walked out the door. Kim dragged the suitcase behind her and shut her door, hoping her siblings wouldn't go in and mess around with her stuff. Her dad grabbed the suitcase once she walked to the white Toyota Tundra.

She sat in the back seat with her younger siblings. She never sat in the middle, so her younger ones had to choose between themselves who would take the spot. This car ride, Rene was in the middle while her brother was behind the driver's seat.

Kim put in her earphones before the car even started. It may be her last time to actually enjoy listening to music. Rene was on her phone with her messy bun smelling like the usual dry shampoo, the name of the scent not crossing Kim's mind. She had no makeup on either, so she had just woken up. Her twelve-year-old sister always put makeup on when she had time.

Kim didn't have any on either (she'd barely wanted to wake up), and she wasn't sure if she had any packed inside her suitcase. She had seen her mom throw in a makeup bag she'd had on her desk, but she wasn't sure what was in it.

Victor was playing games, moving his whole body in the direction of his driving in the game. His hair was spiked up in a small mohawk, and his lips parted as he missed a turn. For a fourteen-year-old, he had twelve-year-old features. Their relatives mistook the two for twins sometimes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2023 ⏰

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