chapter 2: Beach

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After leaving the club we somehow decided to go to the beach,I dont even know when we decided or when it happened but at the moment Im on a motobike with a damn phsyco

Its kinda admirable though how smooth hes riding this beauty,but that doesnt justify it either,this wants me to get a motobike quicker then planned

In the rush of adrenaline what else could I do then gently put my hand on his shoulders from their clinging form around his torso for the life of me

I slowly get up,making sure I have a good hold on his shoulder and shout as loud as this helmet alows me to "BEST BIRTHDAY EVER,WOOOO"I laugh and Rio does too at the same time focusing on the road

I feel his hands on my ass and then I feel him flinch a bit and he starts putting his hand on my lower back and pulls my dress as down as it goes

That has ridden just enough to reveal my black lace thong,which I wouldnt have realised if he didnt fix my dress

Sober Isadora would be embarassed and never talk to him again but drunk Iza doesnt care thats a future me problem,Im sure sober izzy will fix

"Sit"he comands and pulls me down slowly while still going at full speed and wraps my hands around his abdomen

He did all of that with one hand people, he's that skilled huh

Wait didnt he...I hit his back "Dont do that "I say glaring at his back and he slightly turns looking at me "Do what cariño"he says with a smile,his hair flying in all the directions becaue someone is too stubborn

He only had one helmet so he gave it me and I disagreed,so we went back and forth for 5 minutes until I caved in and this ass has the audacity to smirk in my face

"Why is that cariño"and I hit him in the back with a pout"Just stop it and stop giving me nicknames it gives me the ick"Im lying,it gives me butterflies and that can not happen because we're just friends

For now..

Shut up concious no one asked for your opinion

No but you needed it sucker

I hate my subconcious fr

And he just laughs looking at me then turning back to focusing on the road and this is a first when I dont see a traffic,apart from us the road is empty

Nah,just imagine my ass being in display for a whole ass traffic,i'd be traumatised

I look at him although the helmet isnt really helping and this man is the most gorgeus person between the heavens and earth,Im not lying

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2023 ⏰

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