Chapter 1

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It was 6 o'clock in the morning when I woke up on my plane. I was sitting next to my two mothers. The view from the window was just incredible. The sun slowly rose and the sky next to us took on an orange-red gradient. This was my first flight in a long time and I enjoyed the feeling of being above the clouds. It almost seemed to me as if I could just forget everything below me and be here forever.

My mother took my hand: "Good morning, honey." She gave Lou a big smile and wandered back to me with her gaze. "We'll be there in an hour. Prepare for the fact that we have to leave immediately after landing." I nodded and she gave my hand a slight pressure before she released it from mine.

I made myself a little comfortable in my seat and completely sank into my thoughts.

If you look at our family from the outside, there was nothing unusual except that I had two mothers. But many did not know that my parents actually paid our rent with stolen.

My mother Debbie was growing up like that. She told me a lot about her older brother Danni, and how they used to steal other people's valuable jewelry together. Debbie's father passed away very early, as a result of which her mother suffered from bad panic attacks and anxiety. They therefore often had to go to therapy. Thats why Debbi and her brother were on their own most of the time.

My other mother Lou grew up in a family with 4 siblings and used to be bullied often in her area. When she was 18, she ran away from home to move to New York. Her parents broke off contact with her. So I grew up without any grandparents or relative.

My mothers met there many years ago. Both had just moved out and could not afford their own apartment, especially not in New York. The two founded a shared flat and won several hundred dollars a night by cheating at bingo. From time to time they got better and better and even managed to get high sums when playing poker in casinos.

So I wouldn't exactly say that our family is normal, but I grew up under these circumstances...

Suddenly I felt a warm hand on my thigh. I scared upwards and opened my eyes. When I looked tried around me I saw Lou leaning over to me: "Get ready Darling, we're landing now." I put on my belt half dazed and realized that I must have fallen asleep again. It was already very bright outside and I noticed how the plane continued to lose altitude.

Finally we had arrived, I thought. I liked it very much in New York, but my mothers had decided to move to London. I didn't like my old school. The other children didn't like me very much, because I didn't have a father like everyone else. I love my mothers, but my school days so far had been a nightmare. But now in London I can start a new chapter in a new school... At least I hope so.

"Are you coming?" Debbie pushed my hand luggage into my arms and pulled me off the plane. Before I knew it, I was already sitting in a taxi with my suitcase. The rest of our luggage would still come from New York.

It got very tight in the taxi. For deflection I put in 2 headphones and leaned my head against the window.

We finally set off. I closed my eyes, but i could not really fall asleep. When I opened my eyes again, I couldn't stop being amazed. London was even more beautiful than I thought. On pictures i seen everything seemed so small and unspectacular. There were not as many skyscrapers as in New York, everything was just different. I could have sat by the window for hours with my mouth open. Next to me, Lou smiled at me: "Did I promise you too much?" With all the fright that someone was watching me, I quickly closed my mouth again. I grinned back embarrassed and pulled up my shoulders.

We drove for about half an hour.

Suddenly our taxi stopped and the driver called to us: "We're there, that makes 40 pounds." While Debbie was rummuring for the money, I looked from one side of the street to the other. I really wanted to know what our new house would look like.
We were 20 minutes away from the city center. There were beautiful little houses and more plants and gardens here than I was used to in New York. Debbi and Lou wanted to surprise me with the house. They haven't shown me a picture yet.

We got out and the driver rummaged out of the trunk.

"Close our eyes," Lou whispered to me and I followed her instructions. She took my hand and led me a few meters forward. When she stopped, she gave me a kiss on the cheek and said: "You can open now." So I slowly opened my eyes and clawed into Lou's hand.

I couldn't believe my eyes. It was a slightly big brick house with a small garden. It looked very friendly and inviting.
I had imagined the house much differently. Our house in New York was bigger because in the past is was used as a nightclub.
It had always been could and dark and it had only a few windows. That's why I was very overwhelmed and was speechless by the new house. Lou laughed when she saw my astonished face and turned to Debbie to get our suitcases. "I think she like the house," I heard her whisper to Debbie. I turned to them and saw that Lou gave my mother a light kiss on the mouth.

I took my suitcase. "Where are the keys?" I asked excitedly. Debbie rummaged in her handbag and walked through the gate and straight to the front door. Lou and I followed her. I clung to my suitcase. "I will spend the next few years here" a thought came to me.

I was so excited to see what the house would looks like from the inside and which room I will get.

I was so excited to see what the house would looks like from the inside and which room I will get

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2023 ⏰

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