The story

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"Ok class," The teacher started, "we have been granted permission to go on a field trip to an old abandoned camp, it is entirely safe so don't worry. We will be going there for a week. I have already sent an email out to all of your parents and they have all granted you permission to go, we will also be swimming in a lake while we're there so make sure you pack a bathing suit. All I want you to do when you get home is to pack for a week long trip. Have a good rest of your day." I collected my books and met up with my best friend, Violet. "Hey Vi, what do you think about the field trip, it seems kind of sudden and weird." "Yah, it does seem kind of sudden, but you know my parents wouldn't let me go if they didn't think it was safe, and they let me go, so I think we'll be fine." She answered, and I nodded. "Well see you tomorrow Vi, I got to go pack.

The next day we went to the camp, it took about an hour to get there, but we just chatted the whole time. When we got there we got to pick our own cabins, me and Vi chose the same cabin, with two other girls. For the rest of the time before lunch we were looking around at what we could do after lunch. Then we went to the mess hall for lunch. Lunch was macaroni and cheese. While we ate we planned what we would do after lunch, and tomorrow. We decided that today we would hike on the trail and then tomorrow we would swim in the lake. We finished up our lunch then went out to the trail to go hiking. We walked a quarter mile, while talking about what other things we could do while we were here, then we turned back to go back to the cabins before dinner. For dinner we had a weird looking steak, but it tasted good. Vi was a little hesitant to eat it at first, but when I told her it tasted good she tried it. Then we all sat around the campfire and ate s'mores, and told scary stories. Halfway through one of the other students' stories, Vi said she had to go to the bathroom. I nodded and continued listening to the story. After the students' story we all went back to our cabins.

When I woke up, I didn't see Vi at all. After breakfast of bacon and eggs, I went out to the lake to swim. A few kids were swimming, others were just sitting on the shore, some were fishing, one was sitting in the water. There were no bodies in sight. Then, out from the trees, a creature emerged. Its body was like a large tree, its arms and legs were long and thin, the rest of it like an enormous bird. As I approached , my eyes went wide. What was it? It was huge. Like the tree. In fact, if the creature had not been so huge, then it wouldn't have been able to fit through my door. That would explain how it had gotten into my room in one piece. Now, this was the first I had seen of these things, which was why I felt so scared. These creatures had no eyes. No eyes at all. Their entire body seemed as if it were made of glass . Like they were watching me from outside my window, or something. Or maybe they just wanted to see my reaction. Either way, I couldn't react. My body had frozen in place and was completely immobile. All I knew was that this creature was dangerous. It had the power to kill, it was probably the reason I didn't see Vi, it had probably killed her when she went to the bathroom.

I looked around to see if anyone else had seen it, they didn't. I turned back to where the creature had been, but all I saw was my teacher. My teacher was the creature. I ran right back to my cabin and hid on my bunk. One of the other girls in our cabin came in, with a terrified look on her face. "Did you see the creature too?" I asked shakily. She nodded, and I gestured for her to come up on my bunk. "O-our teacher, M-mr. S-smith, it's him, he's the creature." She said. "I know, but did you by any chance eat the steak from last night? I know not a lot of people did, that might be why we're being targeted." She nodded. We stayed there until we had to leave for lunch, but we stayed close to each other there too. While we were walking out, I saw the creature again. "RUN!" I yelled, and I scampered, I turned back to see the creature dragging her body into an overgrown part of the woods, and then it turned to me. I tried to run again, but I wasn't quick enough. I felt a surge of pain as the monster swiped at me with its claws, and then everything went black.

Please tell me if this is any good soon, because my scout camp starts July 16

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