Cinderella New Ending

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Cinderella and the prince charming were on their way to get married. Cinderella's step family were jealous that she was marrying such a wealthy man. "Share your money with us," her step mother and sisters said.

Cinderella did not want to share the money because of the way they treated her. She got into the carriage to take her to the chapel where she was going to marry the prince. Cinderella sat quietly in the carriage with these things called "earbuds" playing music from a strange device called a "smart phone" that was given to her by her fairy godmother. She was listening to a band from centuries in the future called My Chemical Romance, the music seemed to speak to her.

When she arrived to the chapel, she saw the prince already standing at the altar. She was so nervous but very happy to marry the man of her dreams. Cinderella walked down the aisle and stood up on the altar.

She and the prince were saying their vows when Cinderella said, "I do." The prince hesitated and said, "I'm sorry but I am in love with another." He looked down with a sad look.

The prince turned around to see his beloved, Flynn Ryder. Cinderella was hurt but she understood. She pulled out the smartphone and played "Helena" by MCR.

Years later, Cinderella turns into an alcoholic and was very depressed until she met Wonder Woman. They will be together for the rest of their lives. The two women got married at a MCR concert. This story ends with Cinderella and Wonder Woman spontaneously combusting at a Walmart. Children cried and screamed as Barry B Benson laughed, being the cause of the combustion.


Well that was it for that. Yes I got a 100% on this somehow. My teacher loved it for some reason. I was just cleaning my room and found the old paper and decided to post this to wattpad for all you weirdos to enjoy.

Cinderella New EndingWhere stories live. Discover now