Just make something up!

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Sokka felt weird as he laid on his bed, face buried into his pillow. He didn't know how long he stayed there, doing nothing but trying to stop thinking at all, but it was no use.
He couldn't help but think about what he had lost.

How could I forget? How could I possibly forget this?!

Sokka banged his fists onto his bed, angry at himself.

C'mon Sokka, you can remember this! It's just your stupid memory! Just imagine her in your head!

Closing his eyes, he tried to remember what she looked like.

Um, let's see... she obviously had long brown hair, dark skin, blue eyes... What else? What else?!

Sokka gripped the sheets of his bed in frustration. Despite how much he tried, all he could come up with in his head was a blurry image of a face.

Why can't I remember? It's just a face, it shouldn't be that hard! Maybe I could just... make something up?

He tried to imagine her with her comforting voice, warm hugs and bright smile that made him feel safe. And yet all he could come up with was...

"Sokka! I was starting to worry about you! Do you want to go fishing with me?"

Sokka was suddenly pulled back to reality. His sister was standing a few steps away from his bed, tilting her head at him in confusion when Sokka flinched in surprise. What should he say?

What could he even say? That he can't even remember what his own mother looked like?!

Hey Katara, sorry, I was just minding my own business when hey! I kinda realized that I have no idea what our mother actually looked like, so yeah, just the random thing you do, right?

He nearly choked on his breath when he started to speak, but managed to cover it with an awkward cough.

"I... uh I'm kinda tired actually, so you can go without me. Have fun!"

He put his head back into the pillow pretending to go to sleep.

"Really?" Katara asked in surprise, still frowning. "Well... suit yourself then."

Once he was sure Katara had left, he went back to his thoughts, disconnected from reality once again.

When I thought about what our mom looked like, all I could think about was Katara. But why? Sure they have a family resemblance but...

Sokka started to think harder. All the interactions between the women in his village and their children somehow came to his mind, and he scoffed when in his family, he saw similar chores and interactions being done – by Katara.

When their mother was gone, Katara was the one who supported him through the grief and pain that came after her death.

She took on so much responsibility after that and while Sokka would never admit it out loud, he admired her strength.

Suddenly, Sokka got out of bed and ran after his sister. He called out to her.

"Katara, wait up! I changed my mind!"

And then a big brother and his little sister went fishing together.

You don't remember what she looks like? (ATLA One-shot)Where stories live. Discover now