01 | the meeting

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claudia lewis's pov
"CLAUDIA LEWIS takes the puck and swerves around #22, shes shoots..AND SHE SCORESS ONE POINT FOR THE WARRIORS" shouts the announcer
the crowd goes wild there's a mix of cheers and boos across the stadium
I skate across the ice to my team but as i'm  skating across a player catches my attention...
it's a player on the opposing team. I read the back of the jersey #22 Riley.
He must have caught me looking because he gives me a dirty look.
Everyone is getting back in their positions as the ref is about to drop the puck.
A few seconds pass and he blows the whistle and drops the puck. #11 Carrie Owens on my team gets ahold of the puck and flys across the ice, Carrie attempts to pass the puck to #20 Connor Conway but another player on the opposing team knocks him over stealing the puck. As the opposing team has ahold of the puck the puck holder #15 Banks shoots and scores. The new score now being 6-2 the warriors obviously losing like normal.
I already knew that practice was gonna be a living hell tonight.
"TIME OUT TIME OUT" yells my coach, coach Ryan.
The team all skates over to the box
"what the hell are you guys doing out there?!"
"playing hockey what else?" replies Connor
"well you guys aren't playing good enough. you look like chickens running around with their heads cut off" scolds coach
everyone stays silent.
"now don't just stand here. get back out on the ice"
about six players went back on the ice including the goalie but I stayed in the box until told other wise
it was finally reaching the last two minutes of the game
"CHANGE IT UP" yelled the coach
I skated out to my position which happened to be in-front of that guy #22  I stared at him for a moment normally I hate the other players but there was something different about him.. and to be honest I thought he was pretty cute
he had chocolate brown eyes and fair skin. he must have caught me staring because he finally spoke up
"see something you like their doll-face?" he smirked
I could feel the blush from embarrassment creep up on to my face. I quickly look away
"ha in your dreams" I roll my eyes annoyed

Finally the ref dropped the puck and I quickly snatch it and take off.
opposing players following close behind me as I started to approach the goal
I reached the goal and quickly shot as I slid past the right side of the goal.
The puck went in at the last minute making the score 6-3 we still lost.
The other other team began to celebrate their win while i just skated back to my team by the box
my team was disappointed in our lost and I could tell the coach was too Im definitely not ready for how hard the coach is gonna push us to improve during practice tonight.
"i am very disappointed in you guys. you should have won" the coach huffed
"sorry coach we will do better next time" i apologize for myself and the rest of the team
My team begins to skate off when the coach stopped them
"where do you think you're going? we have practice tonight."
My team just groaned in response as we all sent each other exhausted looks
I knew we were all gonna be very exhausted by tomorrow
"don't just stand there start your 30 laps go"
We all went back on the ice and began our 30 laps this was gonna be a long night for the warriors
But we should have been prepared he does this every time we lose which is pretty often. he thinks we are a bunch of failures if we lose and pushes us hard at practice thinking it helps us improve.. well it doesn't it just drains our team and makes us preform way worse because we are so exhausted from being under so much pressure.

Good thing we are suppose to get a new coach soon since he's retiring thank god! hopefully we  will become a better team from this new coach.
As i'm doing my 30 laps with my team i begin thinking back to that guy. He was pretty attractive i can't even lie about that but i shouldn't be thinking like that he's on the opposing team.
Plus i'll probably never see him again unless our teams do a rematch or something. Honestly i really hope we do i want to see him again...
'omg claudia stop thinking that you can't love the enemy' i scold myself
I swear i always set myself up for failure, loving the enemy? that's a new one though

I'm taken out of my train of thought as my team finishes our 30 laps. but then the coach wants us to practice our defense and technique.
'he's so annoying' i think to myself
I swear we are literally gonna be here all night practicing as a punishment for not winning it's bullshit.
After a few hours the coach finally says we can go get changed and head home thank god i don't wanna be here any longer.

I skate off the ice with my team and sit on the bench to untie my skates, i remove my skates and head to the girls locker room, one good thing about being the only girl on the team is that i get a whole locker room to myself which is amazing.
I finally reach the locker room and head inside i set my skates down and begin to take off my hockey gear. Once i take everything off i change into my clothes which is a plain white t-shirt and black under armor shorts. i sit on the bench in the locker room to put my socks and converse on.
Finally i finish getting changed and put all my gear in my bag and zip it closed, i grab my stuff and my phone out of my bag placing it in my pocket. I begin to walk out the locker room and see some of my teammates outside their locker room.

I say goodbye to them and go outside to walk to my car in the parking lot. I unlock the doors and place my stuff in the back seat then climb in the drivers sit and buckle up, i pull out of the parking lot and drive home i check the time on the car and it's midnight the game literally ended at like seven our coach kept us there for five hours that's so ridiculous.
I finally reach my house and pull in the driveway shutting off my car and grabbing my stuff. I lock the car and walk inside the house surprisingly my mom is still awake. i take my shoes off at the door and walk over to my mom.
"hey hun do you want anything to eat?" my mother asks me
"okay there's leftovers in the fridge i cooked pork chops and fried potatoes for dinner" she grins
i smile at her and go upstairs to my room to set my stuff down and head back down to go eat food
Once i ate i cleaned my mess and told my mother goodnight and headed back to my room to get ready for bed. I closed my door behind me and went to my vanity to braid my long hair and do my skincare stuff once i was finished i turned off my lamp and went to lay on my bed

I was absolutely exhausted i plugged in my phone and covered up with my covers so i wouldn't be cold and i drifted off to sleep thanking god there was no school tomorrow.
1335 words
sorry i don't know much about hockey so hopefully this wasn't too bad lol

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