Secrets, lies and realizations 15

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The day started with pancakes

the pair hadn't talked since Dajen

dropped the elephant in the room.

Modesty felt overwelmed

she could destroy the word

just because she was angry

or sad

or just having a bad day

that was a lot to prosses

she desided that the best way to keep the word save

save from her

was to lock her emotions away

all her emotions

even the ones she felt good about

feelings like love.


she thought

the only thing love had done to her was destroy her

break her

tear her to pieces that she had to later pick up and stick together


and again

and again

first her beloved cat

then her Mother

then her Father

then the person that stood in front of her

the person she only knew for a little time

but loved

even tho he had broken her.

But she had made her desision

she would stop picking her torn away pieces up

she would just let them there on the floor

waiting to be loved again

only to get broken one more time.

She couldn 't afford that anymore,

getting her heart broken,

the word couldn't afford that.


"I should start training you"

a voice said

his voice said

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