Chapter 2: The Awakening

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In the heart of the verdant forest on the outskirts of Konoha, a village left scarred by the devastating assault of the Kyuubi, a pivotal moment was unfolding. In the aftermath of the chaos wrought by the Kyuubi and following Minato's confrontation with the enigmatic attacker who had unleashed the Nine Tails from his wife, the Fourth Hokage devised a desperate plan. To curtail further damage to the village, he used his signature teleportation technique to move the rampaging beast away.

Speedily, Minato then rejoined with his wife and their newborn son, Naruto. As he was on the cusp of waving the seals for the death reaper seal, an act of heroic sacrifice intended to trap the Kyuubi within Naruto at the cost of his life, an inexplicable transformation began to occur.

A torrent of brilliant, multi-colored light erupted from Naruto with a resplendent flash that illuminated the surrounding trees in its iridescent glow. Mysterious patterns began to unfurl, originating from his tiny chest and spreading, like rivulets of enigmatic ink, across every inch of the newborn's body. The forest, holding its breath, stood witness to this stunning transformation.

Kushina, overwhelmed by both awe and worry, exclaimed, "What is happening to my precious son? Minato, you have to save him, no matter what!"Her voice quivered with maternal concern as she watched the small horns sprout from Naruto's head. Despite his infant form, he carried the weight of his past memories and the vast knowledge and experiences of his future self as well as the knowledge and experience of Ashura Ōtsutsuki and Shibai Ōtsutsuki now completely one with Naruto's soul. Minato performed the necessary hand seals to initiate the sealing technique, Naruto's eyes widened, revealing a glimpse of the Jōgan he inherited from Shibai, his mind raced with awareness,and understanding at the gravity of the situation and consequences if he doesn't intervene. With the aid of his newfound visual prowess, Naruto takes a deep breath taking in the natural energy in his surroundings at breath taking speeds creating a vortex after a single instant a huge a pulse of natural energy infused with his feelings and memories reaches Kurama, kushina and Minato, weakening Obito's hold on the Nine-Tails in the process.

"Dad, please," Naruto's urgent voice echoed in Minato's and Kushina's minds. "I know what will happen if you seal the Kyuubi with the Death Reaper seal inside me, there is another way."

Minato halted his movements, perplexed by the unexpected intrusion into his thoughts. Uncertainty flickered in his eyes as he gradually recognized the meaning of Naruto's words.

"Naruto, I'm listening," Minato responded, his voice filled with curiosity. "What other path do you suggest?"

With a surge of confidence, Naruto conveyed his insight. "The kyubii isn't our enemy, Dad. His real name is kurma and he is a victim of manipulation, trapped within a powerful Genjutsu. The energy that i released weakened the control of our enemy and I believe there might be a chance to free him if we work together."

Kushina's voice trembled with both fear and concern. "Naruto, are you certain? The Kyuubi has caused so much devastation."

Naruto met his mother's gaze, his eyes reflecting a profound understanding. "I know it's difficult to imagine, Mom, but I know kurama better than anyone, If we can break him free from Obito's Genjutsu, we will find a powerful ally instead of an enemy."

A shared shock and resolve ignited in Minato and Kushina's eyes as they understood the weight of Naruto's words and the revelation of the identity of their attacker. Together, they committed themselves to uncovering the truth and seeking a path of salvation for the Kyuubi.

Without further hesitation, Minato began a new set of hand seals, guided by Naruto's embedded knowledge and memories. As their energies merged, Naruto's patterns glowed, harmonizing with Minato's chakra manipulation.

In a burst of powerful chakra, the forest shook, the ground quaked, and the illusory chains that bound Kurama personality shattered. A roar of liberation reverberated through the air, and Kurama's true personality was released for the time being, powerful and untamed, though the genjutsu was still not completely gone at least kurama's rampage had stoped.

Kushina's eyes glistened with a mix of worry and hope as she witnessed the transformation and processed the memories Naruto was showing her. "Naruto, son, you are truly remarkable"Minato said with a hint of awe, his voice resonating with pride as the memories transmitted through the chakra pulse where finally beginning to be digested within himself as well.

As the dust settled and silence descended upon the forest once more, Naruto, Minato, Kushina, and Kurama stood together in silence
Minato's gaze softened, his mind processing Naruto's memories . Despite the uncertainty that clouded his thoughts, the unwavering trust he held in his son urged him calm his emotions and look at demonic fox. Kurama remained still with his eyes closed and eyelids trembling as he also processed the memories and feelings sent by Naruto and worked to get rid of the last dregs of the genjutsu.

Taking a deep breath, Minato gathered his resolve and channeled his chakra with precision. He weaved seals in the air and yelled "kai"As he directed his focus toward helping kurama with completely breaking the Genjutsu, a brilliant light emanated from Naruto's Jōgan, transferring even more memories and feelings to kurama.The Kyuubi's malicious aura wavered, and finally disappeared all together.

Kushina, who had been watching in silence, could feel a stirring hope. "Naruto, is he?"

Naruto's tiny hand reached out to his mother, and an extraordinary connection bridged the gap between them. Drawing upon the knowledge he had achieved as a sage in his past, he commanded the raw power of natural energy to transform into a potent life force, surging forth to heal and stabilize his dying mother. Bathed in Naruto's vibrant green chakra, the forest became aglow with an otherworldly radiance and plants grew and bloomed. When the illuminating aura subsided, kushina rose to her feet, ready to aid in sealing Kurama.
United, Naruto, Minato, and Kushina infused their chakra into a formidable seal, granting Kurama the freedom to exist within Naruto. As Kurama awakened, he regarded the trio with both hesitation and a glimmer of hope. In a deep voice, he questioned, "Are the memories you transferred real, kid?" Naruto responded with a resolute nod, prompting Kurama to exhale and meet his gaze, "Very well, I will work alongside you, kid, to uncover the truth behind these memories" he then extended his hand and gently tapped his fist to Narutos awaiting the sealing.

With Minato and Kushina's unwavering support, and kuramas cooperation the sealing technique was executed flawlessly. The Kyuubi's chakra merged seamlessly with Naruto, eliminating the need for his parents' sacrifice.

As the glow of the seal subsided, a sense of tranquility settled over the forest. Naruto's Jōgan receded along with his markings and horns, gradually fading into normality, leaving only a small, blue diamond-shaped imprint on his chest.

Minato and Kushina observed their unconscious son with a mixture of awe and relief. Tears glistened in Kushina's eyes as she extended her hand to touch Naruto's head. Minato joined her, both of them closing their eyes as they absorbed and process the memories of their child's suffering and the bleak future he had faced. With tears streaming down their faces, they opened their eyes, their resolve shining brightly. They would ensure that none of those tragedies came to pass, standing together with their son and his partner, Kurama, ready to confront any challenges that awaited them.

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