Fun time!

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"Whatever." I said mumbling trying to hide that I was actually a little happy about Bill taking photos.

"Hey Emma, do you wanna do something today with the others?" Mia said while looking at me as if I had no choice but to say yes to her

"Sure!" I replied smiling

"Okay, but we need to go back to the house real quick. We'll ask the boys to drop us off there while we're going to our event." She said

I agreed and we went to the kitchen. I was starving and I was hoping we would get something to eat.

We hears voices and footsteps following down the stairs. It was Bill and Gustav. Bill came and sat on the couch and Gustav followed.

"Hey guys so me and Emma were thinking we should do something today." Mia started

"Oh my gosh we totally should!" Bill said squealing.

NOTE: This is going to be the shortest chapter bc I don't know what you guys should do. You guys can give me suggestions on where Mia, you, and the boys go!!

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