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The king of the western coast kingdom had to make a difficult decision. To its north, The Kingdom of Uviktiland was expanding its borders south. The rampaging army was marching down the coast and turning towns into ruins and gardens into graveyards.
There was no warning of the invasion, and the king took the best action with an army at its gates. He deserted his land leaving behind a large percentage of his people to save a small number. He rang the warning bells, and his people watched the sails drop while the invasion began. They stood on the docks with horror-stricken faces as their city glowed in the night, the hungry flames devouring what they had once called home.
Families gather in clumps stacked upon each other like bags of grain below the rocking deck. The masses swayed with the rolling waters; each person kept sitting up by their neighbor as the fleet of escaping ships cut through the water's currents. Fathers stay on guard protecting their families and mothers pull their children's tear-streaked faces into their chests as if hiding them from the events unfolding before them, would cast a spell to make reality forgotten. "It turned into a dream that faded away from their memories when their eyes opened.
Chased from their lands, the fleet carrying a large portion of the city set sail to a channel of islands off their coast. The largest island was beyond the horizon, unable to be seen even on the clearest day.
This distance of travel is not alone in what would protect his people, but the geographical layout of the island is a fortress. The island was shaped as if it is a giant crater raised from the depths of the ocean, a bowl large enough for God himself. Rocky peak mountains with jagged cliffs drop off straight into the ocean encircling the entire island like towering impenetrable walls encasing the kingdom-sized valley like a nest.
If you did not possess the ability to scale the steep rock faces or fly above the peaks there is only one practical entrance into the valley. Facing the north was a natural harbor leading to a narrow passage slicing through the dense rock splitting the mountains with just enough room to carry wagons of supplies.
The kingdom owned the island but before they arrived on its shores searching for refuge, no person inhabited the land. This was due to the fear of scaly beasts with spikes and talons able to tear into stone as they grip the mountainous cliffs.
"If you did not possess the ability to scale the steep rock faces or fly above the peaks there is only one practical entrance into the valley. Facing the north was a natural harbor leading to a narrow passage slicing through the dense rock splitting the mountains with just enough room to carry wagons of supplies.
The kingdom owned the island but before they arrived on its shores searching for refuge, no person inhabited the land. This was due to the fear of scaly beasts with spikes and talons able to tear into stone as they grip the mountainous cliffs.
Wyvern dragons ruled the island. They were believed to be vicious beasts that knew nothing more than aggression and killing. The king soon learned the myths were wrong. The dragons were aggressive creatures, but they were intelligent.
Wyverns had a sense of respect that would be given to someone who proves themselves worthy by their natural intuition. Bonds between a dragon and a person can be formed, and once the bond is strong enough, the dragon will allow the person to ride upon its back. This feat, given out sparingly by the dragons, resulted in many lives being threatened when the wyvern disapproved of the person standing before him or her. The seldom few, including the king, who was able to tame a dragon became the new defense system.
Hearing of a gemstone that glowed as if an everlasting fire sat in the heart of an obsidian stone, the Kingdom of Uviktiland decided to send their army to the island's harbor. They were met by a Cavalry of Winged Riders who showed no mercy when deflecting the second invasion.
The few dragons that breathed fire set light to the Kingdom's ships as the other Riders used their dragons to smite the survivors in the water fleeing from the inflamed ships turning the harbor crimson. It didn't take long for the Kingdom to pull back and retreat. They created a treaty with the newborn island kingdom that declared themselves the Isles of Wyverna.
Uviktiland never again attempted an invasion or war; instead established trade routes with one another with the agreement the wyverns were forbidden over the kingdom's land. In doing so Uviktiland cut off all ties the Isles of Wyverna has with the rest of the continent, secluding them to the ocean.
The Isles of Wyverna set up its capital at the most southeastern point of the valley, furthest from the harbor passage being a week's ride on horseback. Laws were enacted to prohibit citizens from attempting to ride a dragon unless they inherited the right from their parents for their own safety.
The King believed this to be efficient in protecting his people and to help the nation grow efficiently, he extended the law to every career and trade in the entire nation. He grew obsessed with controlling his people and creating a nation where there was no unemployment, no poverty, and no homelessness. To keep order amongst the different social classes and succeed in his dream, a strict law was enforced, so that you are to never stray away from your assigned profession.
You are born into the line of work you will be in for the rest of your life. You will take over the occupation your parents held as they did for their own parents, continuing down the family line. Practicing another trade or profession can land you hanging from a noose. While illegally riding a dragon, which was seen as the most heinous of crimes, resulted in the criminal being publicly hanged, drawn, and quartered. A punishment worse than death itself is saved for those who commit high treason. Your neighbors watch you beg for your last breath while your last moments are spent in agonizing pain.
There are only a few exceptions; for example, if a farmer marries a weaver, a male child would use his masculinity to help with agriculture, if the child were female, she would spare her hands of hard labor and become a weaver.
Another exception is women in the upper classes and noble women who are born without a career and are nothing more than housewives. Their only job is to tend to their homes and to their children. If they are wealthy enough, they are known to hire lower-class servants to act as maids and nannies, and the men as butlers to tend to their responsibilities while they gather with other housewives or spend the day reading in their solar room.
Many of the upper class and noblemen are born as lords and in political positions in which they work closely with the royal family to assist the king with his duties and the running of the kingdom. They consumed the jobs such as chancellor, who was responsible for the production of official documents, the chamberlain, who arranged domestic affairs, and those who worked below these titles including assistants and secretaries.
When a child reaches ten years of age, they are tattooed with an insignia on the inside of their right forearm, indicating what their status and job are and will be for the rest of their life. This insignia is to make it apparent to those around your placement in society. This made it impossible to change who you are.

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