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Name: (Y) Yang

Age: early 20s

Gender: Male


Personality: (Y) is a hard to get to know

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Personality: (Y) is a hard to get to know. He's a bit aggressive and easy to annoy. He's also a dick and tends to not care for rules... until you get close to him. He's while still a bit of a dick very caring and trys to look after you in his own special way. He might never out right show affection to anyone other then June and Mr. Yang, but he will always try and protect you from the shadow's. A very loyal and caring friend after you get past the daggers and fangs.

Combat style: (Y) is adaptive and great in any combat situations. He's a perfect Assassin with is special power to produce poison from his body. He is fast, deadly, and has never missed a kill.

Crew reactions to him.

Himeko: "(Y)? When I first met him I saw him tear up a bit. I was a bit confused but he shaked his head and said I reminded him of someone... other then that he's basically a son I've never had. He always takes care of me when I'm sick or injured... he's a caring boy under that venomous exterior."

Welt: "Ah (Y). He along with June and another person came with me from my home world. I originally met him at a school I was teaching at. You see him now? He was so much worse back then. He reminded me of an anti-hero with a tragic past... I eventually adopted him after learning that he has been homeless for his whole life and has never met his parents."

March 7th: "(Y)? I'm going to be honest he scared me at first. He still does... June his girlfriend was always the nice one in my eyes... but then I started to get to know him more.... his eyes that were so scary were filled with so much pain and suffering... but also a golden fire to keep living. It's inspiring."

Dan Heng: "(Y). He became an older siblings figure to me. He's incredibly smart and knows alot about biology and Botany. He was the one before I joined to list down the Astral Expresses journey. He is also very good at adapting to combat."

Stelle: "Ah Mr. Mysterious BadAss! I won't lie Im still kinda bummed he has a girlfriend. I don't know much about him but he seems so laid back despite being so standoff-ish."

June: "(Y)? I mean he's my boyfriend! Me and him went with Mr. Yang to join the Astral Express... I can tell he misses the others. Especially Mobius. But other then that he's always trying his best and I love him for that."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2023 ⏰

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