Chapter One

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5 Years Later...


The leaves crunch beneath my boots as I shoot the handmade targets in the woods behind my dads house. I turned twenty-three a week ago, a week of practicing with 'Morrison', the new gun dad bought for me. 

I have been training myself for years, being a Singer means other hunters need you for knowledge and help. My dad mainly works from home, helping those who call. I can tell he doesn't want me hunting, I mean who would? The business is dangerous, you have to lie and there's no pay. The only compensation is saving lives, even then people are so quick to forget or are too spooked to even say thank you. In the end people can be worse then the monsters hiding in the shadows... 

The sky is overcast, clouds gathered together in one clump blocking out the sun. I huff out a breath, tying my long brunette waves into a high pony. My eyes close as I itch my neck, hands landing on the locket I always wear around my neck. The only piece of jewellery I'll ever hold close to my heart. 

The silver chain stopped just above my breasts with a circular locket at the end of it, hidden underneath my shirt. My right hand slowly traced the chain to where the locket lay. The touch sparked such happy memories I preferred to bury deep.  Don't get me wrong, the memories are some of the best of my life, but it's too painful. 

The necklace was a gift left from my dad when I was ten, left to me by my mother. She passed away when I was still a small child, I have no memory of her. I don't miss what I never had, its my father that makes me upset. Seeing him miss her is what fills my heart with such sorrow, in our line of business death is second nature. 

The locket, however, was added later. 

It was a gift from the Winchester boys. This is when my chest gets tighter, Sammy and Dean. It was Christmas one year, John had dropped the guys at our house to hunt God knows what. Sam and I were fourteen and Dean was seventeen. I remember being so giddy seeing them again, at that point it had been two months since they had visited. 

Memories with those you love are so clear in your mind. At eight-thirty at night I had found a note instructing me to go outside. It was in Sammy's handwriting. By this time my dad was working on his maps helping some hunter who had called, I didn't mind, we never really celebrated Christmas anyway. 

I'm wearing shorts and an oversized jumper as I wonder outside, looking for the Winchesters. The large oak tree outside the house that often acted as my sanctuary to write stories and songs was lit up with fairy lights and candles. A wide smile grew onto my face, it was beautiful. A whistle catches my attention, I turn around to see Sam and Dean stood smiling at me. 

My breath is caught in my throat as I look at Dean, the way he smiled made it feel like that smile was only for me. In that moment I felt like the most important person in the world. Sam steps forward and gives me a wrapped box.

His smile somehow grows wider, "Merry Christmas Al, go on open it". 

I smile, then excitedly rip open the wrappings. A box lay in my hands and and just as I was about to open it my eyes wondered up to Dean. 

His eyes found mine, "Come on Allycat, open best gift you'll ever get". 

He said it in a sarcastic way, but his eyes held anticipation and excitement. With that I looked down and opened the box. There sat the most beautiful silver locket I had ever seen. The moons glow enhanced the curves and beauty of the locket. I looked back at the boys and giggled, overjoyed with the gift. Just as I was about to hug and thank them, Sam excitedly shouted, "Look inside!" 

Doing as she said, I opened it and inside made my heart melt. The picture within was of Sam, Dean and myself on Sammy's birthday a year earlier. We looked beyond happy and content with our lives and each other. I was with my best friend on his birthday and his brother who I began  developing feelings for. One of the most amazing days of my childhood. 

I remember looking up, tears gathering in my eyes, looking at two of the most important people in my life. I ran to hug them and the feeling of safety that I only ever felt with them was enhanced. After a moment, I looked up to see Dean's beautiful emerald eyes already on me. 

I mouthed 'Thank you', and he smiled and winked. The kind of gesture that made your heart flutter and breath quicken . 

The sound of a car coming towards the house brought me out of my peaceful memory, reminding me of the reality. I pick up 'Morrison' and walk back towards the house, hearing my dad greet whoever came by. 

I quickly tuck the locket back under my shirt and go outside. Deep voices filled the front yard as a very familiar car came into view. A car that we used to take out in the early hours of the morning blasting Zeppelin and looking at the stars. A car that was the safest place in the world. A car that I haven't seen for five years. A car that could only belong to one family. 

A 1967 Chevrolet Impala. 

Just as I was coping with seeing 'Baby' a deep voice pulls me away from her. 

"Hey Allycat, how are ya?" 

The voice that sends chills down my spine, and flutters in my stomach, the voice that could only belong to one person...

Dean Freaking Winchester. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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