Chap5: Huh?

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As the three friends arive at the tree hotel they tried to find xiao, they cooked xiaos favorite dish as he finally showed himself. "what do you want.?" he said pissed, but his face turned soft when he saw kim "are you kim?" he adds making kim confused "uhh yeah?" they answer making xiao curse under his breath "that stupid ghost." he whispers. But they didn't hear him "nothing." he adds as paimon explained rex lapis death again.
"how about we rest at the tree hotel??" ajax said tired "wery well. I do have business with adeptis xiao" zhongli answered making ajax giggle "i do wanna talk to him again, his so cute!" ajax said making zhongli smile "he is cute indeed."(not a ship) he answered his father personality showing. "your cute aswell~" ajax adds trying to make zhongli blush, but zhongli just smiled and thanked ajax.
"..." xiai looks at the floor "rex lapis... Dead?" he asks not believing them. Suddenly a ghost peaks from the roof "XIAOOO!" he yells making xiao jump, kim look releaved to see theyre friend. "ajax? Your back?" he asks making ajax giggling and whispering in his ear "rex lapis is alive, he faked his own death, so no need to cry emo boy~" ajax whispers into xiaos ear making him push the ghost away from his face making ajax whine. "im not an emo boy. But thanks for the information. Ill be gone." he said almost vanishing as ajax held his hand "nooo don't leave! I wanna talk with you!" ajax said whining as xiao signed. "fine. But the travelers need to go." he said as lumine and kim nodd and drag paimon with them continue to the next adeptis.
"why did you try to find kim and then decide not to continue with them?" xiao asks making ajax giggle "zhongli said he'll contact me when theyre in liyue again, i just wanna spend time with you!" ajax said smiling sweetly as xiao blushed from embarrassment. "whatever. I do have to protect liyue so i wont stay long." he answered looking forward to the sunset. "well.. Maybe you take a break? Or i come with you!" ajax said smiling again as xiao looks annoyed "nonsense. You get hurt and i cant rest." he said as ajax started laughing hard "i am already dead xiao! I cant get killed!" he said patting xiaos head "ill be fine emo boy~" he adds making xiao look away "i told you nit to call me that." he angry huffs out making ajax giggle. "comeon~ you know you like it~" ajax said teasing xiao more till he disappeared leaving ajax alone "XIAOOO IM SORRYYY!!" ajax yells as xiao cracks a smile at ajax standing behind him in the tree
After they informed every adeptis they sweated. "damn... Im sweating.." kim said "i lost my vision.." lumine whines "she lost her vision! How many fingers is paimon holding!?" they said holding 2 fingers up "10?" "damn she did-" (yes its a reverence to the tt sound lol)
"xiaos mean." ajax huffed out starting to float again "im only joking, but if you do it again, ill leave for sure." xiao said making ajax turn around "XIAOOO!" ajax yells hugging him. "GET OFF OF MEEE!" he yells back trying to pry off ajax.
"you want us to have dinner with a person with knowledge?" lumine asks making childe nodd "yup! If you need anything or have any questions then hes the one for the job!" childe answered making them(paimon) smile "well paimon cant say no to free food!" paimon yells making kim sighn "lets go! Comrades!" childe yells turning to leave, getting followed by lumine, paimon and kim.

"ah childe. Long time no see." zhongli said smiling as childe waves back "zhongli! This is the traveler and theyre travel buddys!" childe answered sitting down.
"ugh your so clingy!" xiai said annoyed "w-well you left me..." ajax said whining "stop whining!" xiao said pissed "ok your so no fun" ajax said completely stopping confusing xiao "omg your gonna be the death of me."

"ofc emo boyyy~"

Thus took longer then expected - but i did purplish 2 chaps in like 2 days sooi be happy lol

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