"Why can't we be friends?"

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Dear Archer,

This actually feels a little bit less weird. Probably because the letter I wrote you yesterday was more of a blurb than anything. There was no real emotional content. I let Mr. Brooksinde read it, just to get him off my back. You know how he is though. I guess every school has that one counselor that thinks he can solve any problem that comes through his door no matter what, right?

It's been eight days since it happened, and I've slept every day from 3pm-7:30am. Contrary to what we used to believe (yes I'm talking about the first texting conversation we had at 4am), sleep is excellent for numbing the pain. Not the pain in my shoulder, although sleeping is good for that too. When a guy takes an injury of the same level that I did in a movie, they rarely show him recover. Because the wound is so deep, when you swore to god you could see my bone? You weren't kidding. Lots of muscle damage. But Brooksinde told me that he liked the idea of starting with the good, so let's move on from that.

I attached a printed copy of it, and I think it's pretty self explanatory.

Archer: 1:24am

Isn't it past ur bed time? lol saw ur post on Instagram.

Adeline: 1:39am

What do you think I am? Seven?

You didn't privilege me with a response. I figured that you went to sleep. But somehow you had to have known that I didn't, because why else would you have texted me at 4:01am?

Archer: 4:01am

Do u think chinchillas have an existential thought process?

Adeline: 4:06am

Here I thought it was past my bed time...? Um, I'm not sure how to answer your question, because I'm currently questioning the guy who uses 'u' instead of 'you' and yet somehow has the word existential in his vocabulary. Archie, are you drunk?

Archer: 4:09am

Drunk? No way!! I don't do that stuff and u know that. I guess my brain has weird questions this late, and I figured u would be the only one with the answers to them. Oh well. As for using 'u', I do it just to bug u.

Adeline: 4:11am

This is why we don't text each other, Archer. It's 4am. Go to bed!!

Archer: 4:12am

In the words of WAR, "Why can't we be friends?"

Adeline: 4:14am

There's no way you had enough time to google that. Dare I say it, my Arch-nemesis-who-also-happens-to-be-my-friend is...cool????

Archer: 4:15am

U got it! I'm totally cool. That's why u should be my friend, Addster. I need you around to call me names like Arch-nemesis. Good one by the way.

Adeline: 4:19am

If you agree to never call me Addster again, you have yourself a deal.

Archer: 4:21am

Deal! Now go to bed Adeline. U have McCormin's class tomorrow right? I heard there's gonna be a quiz and u should be prepared.

Adeline: 4:25am

Whatever u say, Mr. Cool.

Archer: 4:27am

...sleep well. You'll thank me when you ace the quiz.

Eleven texts. I never thought those eleven texts would lead to where they did...

Much love,


Letters to ArcherWhere stories live. Discover now