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"Shit, shit, shit,"

She was pressing down her foot as hard as she could on the accelerator. It was raining outside and the highway was dark and eerie. The guy next to her tinkered with the radio trying to get a signal.

"Hey I think I'm on to something!" He said as the radio started to make noise. A faint sound could be heard before it turned off again. The guy groaned in annoyance.

"Harlo, try turning it on and off." She said as she kept her eyes on the road. Harlo looked at her and shook his head. "I already tried it, the signal is too weak."

Her grey eyes quickly scanned the radio on her right before darting back to the road. "We'll be there soon, nothing more to-", she started before slamming her feet on the brake and quickly turning the wheel harshly to the right, almost hitting someone that had appeared on the road right ahead of them. The car skidded off the road onto the field next to it.

"Shit shit shit did I hit them?" She grasped the flashlight in the car's beverage holder. "I'm gonna go check, if anything happens, take the car and drive to the others as fast as you can alright? No matter what."

A lock of dark hair slipped into his line of vision as he nodded clearly. He got ready to climb over to the driver's seat as soon as she was to leave the car. "Hey Maj, be careful. They were talking about bizarre events happening around this area."

The blonde nodded and left the car with the flashlight held high. Rain poured down from the dark night sky and pattered violently all around. It was so loud even the sound of the car engines was drowned by it.

Maj slowly started to reach the road taking slow and steady steps towards where the person had been standing. The high grass of the field reached to her knees and drenched her pants all the way to the leg. When she carefully reached the road she dreadfully looked down expecting to see a body laying there, but nothing. Her muscles that had been previously very tense relaxed and the grip on the flashlight loosened a bit. She quickly spun around and started looking around in the grass in case the person might've tripped. Still nothing.

Harlo looked out the window of the car worried, he put it out of brake mode and turned it around driving carefully over to the confused woman.

"You saw it too right?" She said loudly to be heard over the rain as he pulled down the car window. "Yeah I did, it looked like a dude. Can't you find him?"

Maj shook her head and looked back at the highway contemplating what to do. The rain continued to pour onto the ground as she opened the door on the passenger side jumping in. "Something really strange is going on. We need to hurry to get to the others. When was the last time we heard from any of them?" and once again Maj started tinkering with the radio, just as Harlo had done just a few minutes earlier.

Harlo drove out of the field onto the road again. "Last time I heard from Wade was..." He checked the clock on the satnav. "...1 hour and 4 minutes ago. It was when he called, just as you picked me up."

The radio crackled. Both of them twitched and became very still. A faint voice was heard talking very rapidly. Harlo ushered her to turn up the volume as she did.

"...swear I saw one! It looked like her face was rotting, like she had dug herself up from her own grave!" They looked at each other in disbelief. "It doesn't seem real but believe me I really saw it! The thing attacked another woman, she bit into her neck, eating her alive!!" The voice on the radio went higher in pitch as he spoke. That's when another voice was heard, the interviewer spoke up.

"Are you sure about that John? It sounds pretty farfetched to me. Sure there are some mad people out there, but cannibals, in the US? That's hard to believe." He chuckled. "Where did you say you worked again John?"

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