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They arrived at the door that was half hidden beneath the marmour staircase. Their footsteps were echoing mildly in the huge dark room. Harlo looked over at Maj before grabbing the doorknob just as Maj had done earlier. They both instinctively held their breaths and swung the door open, both barging in with their pistols held high, as well as a bright flashlight. After swinging open the door they were met by yet another corridor and a window to their right, where rain was hitting it hard and continuously.

Maj shone the flashlight to the sides of the corridor, it bore blood stains all over the leather sofas and brick walls. Harlo closed up behind her gulping at the sight. "What happened here," He breathed out before a loud banging noise was heard from behind them. They both spun around and held their pistols up. There it was, another one of those moulding persons. His hair was brown, short and thin, looking as if it was falling off his grey tone moulding head. He was banging hard on the window, using his whole body to try to smash through the glass.

Harlo and Maj both staggered backwards as the banging went on. "Run." Maj said and turned around to sprint down the corridor. Harlo was right behind her.

A loud shatter was heard from behind, followed by a loud thud. They both threw a glance over their shoulder and saw that the glass was broken and the zombie-like being had fallen through, trying to get up on its legs again.

"Shit, shit, shit," She saw a door on her right and threw herself at the door forcing it open. Harlo ran inside right after her and closed the door. Maj looked around frantically for something to block the door with.

It looked like a cloak room, used by the employees, as it had clothing hangers and closets along the walls. If the whole department wouldn't have been so eerie it would've given off welcoming vibes with its carpet and herbs planted in the cute little clay pots.

She grabbed a clothing hanger and stuck it to the door knob so the door couldn't open. Harlo looked at her and smiled weakly. "Well now we know that we gotta be extra careful here too," He said before walking away from the door and taking up the paper of the floor plan.

"This is the coat room, if we take this door we're gonna arrive at the shared office. After that is the marked room." His voice was low, letting Maj shine the flashlight on the piece of paper. He looked up at the two doors that they hadn't blocked yet. "Hey take a look if that door leading out is locked or not, I don't want to take any chances considering what just happened." He said and pointed at the door across the room. It had a small window around head level, rain splattering hard against it. Maj gave the flashlight to Harlo and hurried to check the door knob. She turned it, but nothing happened. Shaking her head they looked at each other. "It's locked."

Both went to check the last door, the third one, leading to the shared office. Maj carefully turned the doorknob and the door started sliding open. She kicked it a bit with her foot so that it would open further. Both stepped in after one another, pistols held high ready to shoot.

The room was dark and the air inside it was moist, particles were visible in the faint light coming from the streetlamps outside. In the middle of it all stood a dozen desks, all messy and some bearing blood stains on top of the wood and papers. A weird noise was coming from behind the desk furthest away from them. It sounded like chewing sounds, but as if it was chewing something dense. Maj nudged Harlo and nodded towards the sound. He looked at her with a tense expression on his face before both of them slowly took their own ways around the island of desks in the middle of the room, closing in on the sound from both sides.

Harlo tensed up even more at the sight of an officer chewing on another officer's gullet, which he had seemingly ripped out from his throat with the help of his teeth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2023 ⏰

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